The Enemy

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I watched them, I watched him. That trio-colored hair monster. The taller one, Yami, he didn't belong with her or near her. Solis threw her head back in laughter, I seethed in anger. The whole school had heard of my return and yet no one told her.

"Well I think that went well." Yami said.
"It was perfect. Perhaps we could get one this year." Solis smiled, the same smile she used to give me, full of warmth and kindness.
"You are more than worthy of a solo." Yami gave her the same smile, "And if given the chance it would be an honor to be your duet partner." He kissed the back of her hand, a light dusting of blush decorated her cheeks.
"Thank you Atem." She kissed his cheek and told him she would see him tomorrow.
I snarled as he asked her about walking her home. She told him she had to stop by the library but would be fine. They parted and the door clang shut.
"Well, well we meet again Yami." I said finally stepping out of the shadows.
"Donovan, I didn't know you were staying so late." He said adjusting his bag.
"Well you see you have something I want Atem."

I felt the breeze against my body as I dodged Donovan's fist. I caught his wrist.
"We don't have to fight."
He wrenched away and ran at me. I blocked him, sending staggering back.
"How did you learn my name?"
"Does it matter? You don't belong here." I spat taking another swipe at him. "You're just some new kid. You have no power. A peasant trying to woe a queen."

I stumbled back catching my breath, "If you know my name, then you should know who I am. I am a king. Of my people and my adversaries."
"Then I will take your throne."
I chuckled, "Good luck with that. I'm five-thousand year old pharaoh. I came back to make things right."

"Pharaoh Atem." Donovan smiled and I was disgustingly reminded of Bandit King Bakura.
"Donovan please, talk to me."
"Prove yourself Pharaoh."
I doubled over as he met his mark. I caught his leg and felt his weight come crashing towards me.

"Alright look." I said pinning him to the floor. "I could let you deal with her parents but I have a feeling you wouldn't care. Sending you to the Shadow Realm sounds like fun but would make me as bad as my enemies. So what do you want with her."
"I love her, always have." He gasped.
"Then you have forty-eight hours to tell her. And I mean everything."
I picked my bag and headed for the door, "And Donovan, you don't hold your end, I will tell her myself. She has a right to know." I let the door slammed behind me and headed home.

"Atem, what happened?"
"Uh, well..."
"Your lip is bleeding." Mokuba pointed out.
"Slight altercation with Donovan." Atem said dabbing at his lip. "Any other noticeable injuries and did Solis make it home?"
"Yeah, she's home." Mokuba nodded. "Just your lip you seemed to have come out unscathed."
"Honestly though, it looks like you bit it. Atem, what happened with Donovan?"
He has forty-eight hours to come clean to Solis, otherwise I tell her." 
"But the concert is the day after those forty-eight hours." Yugi said horrified. 
"Yugi, we are running out of time. We came to close to losing her once. I'm telling her the truth about me." Atem gathered his bag to bring upstairs.
"I thought you did?" I asked.
"I told her the story of a Pharaoh and his Queen, never that I was that Pharaoh." 

"Atem!" But he ignored me.
"I only hope, Solis doesn't hate him too much after this." Mokuba said, "We can't lose her Yugi."
"I know, the truth may give her the strength to keep fighting." I sighed, "Please don't be too late." 

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