The King

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"Your Majesty." I smiled warmly as the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on stood up from the river. Her hair was gold layered with amethyst and sapphire colored highlights. Her eyes were such a deep blue that even the Nile River paled in comparison.
"You don't have to call me that." I said.
"And yet if you knew who I was you would likely fall to the ground in worship." She smiled knowingly.
"How can I know to do that, if I don't know who you are?" He asked.
"My name is Solis, there's a lot more to me than you know."


"You're the only person I know who willingly partakes in tasks for the servants." I said from the doorway. Solis was remaking her bed, she shrugged, "You know what I am and what I can do."

I nodded, Solis was a goddess and secretly I called her my goddess. Daughter of Ra the Sun God and Hapi, God of the Nile, she lived as the Princess of a neighboring kingdom and travelled to Egypt in hopes of learning her birthland.
And she had, and she had stayed, acting as my advisor.

"Pharaoh." Priestess Isis called out to me. "Its the people, the drought has caused them to storm the palace.
"Then we shall meet with them, if they wish to regain calm and rationality before hand." Solis said coming to stand next to me. I nodded, "Let them bring representatives and we shall discuss this."
We began walking to the throne room when Solis pulled me into empty corridor.
"Enjoy the chatter, but there's something I need to do." She said.
"Where are you going Solis?" I asked, "You usually come with me to entertain the people's concerns."
"To them I am nothing more than a Princess and you are their king." She sighed cupping my cheek with her hand, "Atem, you know what I am. I can do something this time. Please let me."

I was thrown completely off guard when she placed the softest of kisses upon my lips. Before I could even begin to return it she was gone. I leaned against the wall feeling the ecstatic floating feeling in my chest. I knew I needed to tend to my people, but the girl of my dreams. I smiled at the ghost of her lips on mind and continued to the throne room.

"Solis." I laughed finding her in the Palace gardens. "No one knows why but the Nile flowed beautifully and the crops are saved for the season."

"Really?" She rung out her hair and the hem of her dress. "I'm not all wet for nothing."
Realization dawned on me, "You flooded the Nile."
"I am Hapi's daughter, I do have those abilities." She said stepping away from the pond in the garden. "I figured this was a good place to come after, lest anyone see me." "Thank you for everything." I whispered bringing her close enough that our noses touched. "You really are quite spectacular." I brushed my lips against hers, feeling her arms wrap around my neck.


"I present to you, Queen Solis of Egypt!" Priest Seto shouted to an exuberant crowd. Pharaoh Atem smiled raising his wife's hand in the air as they showed their people their willingness to work as a team.
The two entered the throne room and took their respective seats next to each other.
"Equal footing." Mana smiled bounding in next to them.
"Indeed." Atem nodded and smiled at Solis who beamed.
"It, I think is better that regardless of status we all remain on equal ground. Yes, we are higher and with higher comes power but it is used to protect and serve those who cannot."
"A true Queen." Priests Shada and Mahad gave small bows. Priest Seto rolled his eyes, "Don't you think some power is necessary?"
"Perhaps, but I don't flaunt it for fun."

As they discussed, a young boy came running in, guards were on his heels. Solis rose from her throne, "What is the meaning of this?"
The boy stopped clasping at her feet.
"Your majesty, the boy snuck in and gave chase. He likely a slave who escaped his master." Said the head guard. Smoothing her skirt, Solis sat down in front of the boy.
"Can you tell me your name?"
"But you're the Queen. I'm probably not allowed to speak to you."
"You know," Solis said tugging her Tiara from out of her hair. She handed it to Priestess Isis. "I'm like you and if a piece of Jewelry means I'm more than we need to look again at how we run things."
"I'm Kimi." The boy whispered.
"Well... Kimi, what happened?" She took the boy's bruised and battered hands in hers.
"You will let me in and I will speak to the Pharaoh!" An angry voice echoed. Kimi made to run but Solis tucked him behind her. "Where is my slave?!"

"You will calm before we continue this." Solis said from her spot on the floor. "And if I may who are you?" 

Acumen." He spat, "I'm surprised your tongue is so lose. You should not speak in front of the Pharaoh."
"He and I have understanding." Solis said calmly, Acumen slapped her across the face. 
"Guards, take him outside the Palace gets, Solis said standing up. Kimi stayed hidden. "But first may I remind him who he speaks to." Isis handed her back the tiara.
"Your majesty, my Queen." Acumen spluttered.
"If you treat me so harshly without knowing who I am, then I hate to think of how you treat the slaves under your command." She waved to the guards and they showed him out.
Atem immediately went to Solis' side, "Are you alright my Love?" 
"Yes, I wasn't quite expecting that. Isis, could you help with Kimi's injuries and perhaps find him a place within the palace?"
"Of course my Queen." Isis extended a hand to the boy, "Come."
"And I want this Acumen searched, lest he harbors any other maltreated slaves." She said to the guards.

Later that night, Solis was brushing out her hair, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her, "You did well today."
"Thank you Atem." Gently he placed a kiss on her left cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you more."

"I love you most." I woke up to find it had all been a dream. Tangled in bedsheets in a bed that felt empty when my love was not here. I dragged myself from it and prepared for the day ahead. Despite being able to rest peacefully in the afterlife, things hadn't been the same.
"I know you miss her." Mana said.
"I trust Yugi and Mokuba, but I worry she will not be convinced." I said taking up my throne. "Time is not something she has."
I sat there, in my thoughts when it came to me, "I need to go back."
The Winged Dragon of Ra appeared with its own smile, "I wondered when you would make the decision."
"Please, I promised to love and cherish her and I still abide by that." I said falling to my knees.
"The little one will be most pleased to see you again, they're in America. Everything you need will be there."
"Thank you Ra, I will not let you down." I said as I made my goodbyes. It was time to return to my Queen.

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