Obsession 🤗💙💛🔥🖤

39 1 0

CW: Mentioned family problems and alcohol

Four stared at the wall.

Another day had come and gone.

They thought about their friends and got lost in said thoughts as the sounds of his parents arguing got more distant.


Four thought about all of his friends, in order...

X. His best friend.

But Four KNEW that X...

To him...

Was much more.

Two. A frenemy.

She was skilled in a lot of things...
But not all.

After all, nobody's perfect.

Eight. He was okay.

Four thought a little special feeling of Eight...

but nobody else knew that.

[Eight] was willing to do what was right, or what he thought, in tough situations.

Six. The more tough friend.

The protector - the very cute protector - of the friends.

And she's a fighter.

Seven. Hmmm...

Gentle and knows a lot. Loves photos.

"Whazzz going on?... uhhh..."

Four snapped back into reality.
He saw his first parent stumbling around in his room.

Definitely drunk.

Four dragged the alcoholic back to her room.


Four went back to their room...

And cried.

A dream about a polyamorous relationship with his friends... and parents like HIS PARENTS existed? A blessing from them would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Just then, someone knocked at the door.

Four got up to answer it.

It was none other than Two.



I loved how the previous Alive Four short turned out, so I wrote this one.

I enjoyed writing this one too.

I altered the OG idea for the AU a bit.

I was thinking it'd be just 4x, but I decided...
Polyamorous relationship plan story.

I may make it into a separate story in the future.

Til then, stay tuned for more shorts.

Word total: 305 words

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