The Origin of Algebraliens 🎲

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Currently, many Algebraliens live on Earth in many places there, especially occupying places like Goiky - and some live near a popular place for their species - the Equation Playground.

But the Equation Playground on Earth isn't the only Equation Playground out there.

Heck, some things on Earth in this world didn't even start on Earth initially!

Such as the Equation Playground, Algebraliens, and many other species on Earth.

The species on Earth besides the objects and Davidians came from other planets - and from those on Earth and characters from other planets.

The origin of Algebraliens will be talked about here.

None of this is canon in the actual BFDI unless otherwise confirmed. This is a headcanon.)


Algebraliens originated from a planet once called Arithmetic, but the planet's name later got shortened to Arith and is called Arith to this day.

Many different Algebraliens lived there:

Alphabet letters of all languages (also called Alphabets),
Operators (operation symbols, like plus, minus, etc),
2D shapes,
3D shapes,
Other math symbols,
and others still are very obscure. Some are even hybrids of various types of Algebraliens.

Algebraliens have been known for various things to do with math and ELA. They've been inventing and working with those subjects since the beginning of their planet.

They have formed a civilization and built towns, some towns themed around the types of Algebraliens that live in the area, and other towns are based on the types of Algebraliens that built the town.

Of course, there are many natural wonders that are on Arith as well. Many that even man-made structures could never perfectly replicate, such as the unique tree types that may reflect the idea of the area that they are located in. They may even adjust themselves if they do not match the area or its theme. There are many unique flower types and other plant types that grow on the purple planet. Even the weeds are unique in their own manners and ways.

All of the plants and even some unique rock structures helped come together and form the first Equation Playground.

The Equation Playground on Arith is a wonderful place on its own and with its Earth - equivalent counterpart.

Many different-colored plants on the cool side of the color wheel form the landscape look and the seesaws. The seesaws were made by a unique rock type called "convertile" and strong vines. Both materials are very durable and help the seesaws function properly and serve the appropriate purpose.

The Love Seesaws in other parts of Arith that create Algebralien child eggs use a similar mechanic.

Other equipment in Arith's Equation Playground, such as the omega-shaped swings, use various types of native Arith rocks such as convertile. The parts for swinging also use plants. Even the area and perimeter sandbox use a unique type of sand to serve its purpose.


Algebraliens have lived on Arith for a long time, but some choose to move to Earth or even other planets.

And thus, the Earth replica of the Equation Playground was built. It isn't the same at all, but it replicates the mechanics that help the equipment to serve its purpose.

Arith is a very unique planet. It has a purple surface with the sky almost always appearing like the night sky on Earth.

It has many unique features, like plants that can instantly alter their appearance and even possess a different type of sentience.

Many small and somewhat obscure species live there as well, such as math and reading/ELA themed animals.

I may come up with more stuff about this Algebralien planet in the future, and I may write it here.

The main thing that I kinda plan on writing here is revealing Guest Star's backstory.


So keep an eye out.

Word total: 635

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