A TPOT theory I have...

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I have a theory about TPOT to answer the question of...

Why aren't the other Algebraliens involved in BFDI?

My theory is that Four has gone rogue.

What I mean by that is...

Four, along with X, abandoned the other Algebraliens intentionally.

And later, the same could apply to Two, and maybe even One.

Let me explain what I think.


Four and X likely had a fallout with the other Algebraliens and left to host BFB. Maybe Three protested against it, so they were banished to the EXIT.

Two likely wanted to follow in their footsteps and/or left because of their hatred for math.

One likely tried to leave, but maybe the Algebraliens got tired of them leaving and trapped them in the moon. Or One ended up trapped on their way to Earth.

Thank you for reading my theory.

Word total: 152

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