Object Needs Info (and more) 🔥🎲

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Info for a part in WCAF.
I questioned it a little today.

In terms of objects, they don't need to use the bathroom because they don't HAVE anything to use the bathroom. Algebraliens don't necessarily need to use the bathroom. Again, they don't have the organs. But they use a magic spell to separate any waste from their bodies and dispose of it with another spell. They don't need to eat or drink - ESPECIALLY if said object IS food/water.
Algebraliens may sometimes need to eat food or consume another source of energy. Otherwise, their powers won't work. They can magically clean themselves.
They also don't necessarily need to stay clean, but for some folks, it's recommended.
Many objects need to sleep, but objects such as Bot from III don't have this need. Algebraliens sometimes need sleep. It depends on the Algebralien.
Social interaction and fun are considered necessary to some objects and Algebraliens, but others think otherwise.

As for birth...
Objects hatch from eggs, and this idea was inspired by a few peeps, such as Violetskittle (on Deviantart) and ClownTownUSA here, on this platform.

Some objects in the post-hatching stage may need to eat. Food and drink objects are the only ones in this stage that don't need to eat - they're ALREADY food.

Now, on to death.
Some characters have alignments or beliefs in angels/demons. Likely those who believe in the Yoyle gods and/or the early species tribes.
If so, they become angels/demons.
They do not become angels/demons based on their BEHAVIOR, however. They become an angel or a demon based on which one they believe in more.
If not, they can become ghosts, similar to that of Bow from II, but there are a few variations in looks. They may also become ghosts if they have a promise they didn't fulfill, for example.
In the second ghost possibility, the difference is that they can't leave the graveyard or the place where they died or were buried. When they fulfill what they need to, they will gain the ability to leave the graveyard/place where they die.
If it's the first ghost option, they have free ranges but may not be able to enter churches of any kind. This isn't always the case.

That is all for my need rambling.
See you in the next part, hopefully!

Word total: 396

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