Fourteen's Backstory

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Note: I wrote this back in January. Sorry that I never got the chance to post it here.

CW: testing dangerous stuff, self harm, murder, yandere behavior, cannibalism (mainly eating skin), and gory details (somewhat)

Fourteen used to hang out at the Equation Playground and used to be your average Algebralien - kind, a little dim-witted, loved math (and in Fourteen's case, science - mainly biology!), was friends with other Algebraliens (Ten and Fifteen were his romantic partners - they loved Fourteen as well), and was generally enjoyable before he started eating skin.

But then, one day (sometime after XFOHV), Fourteen got a brain injury by tripping and falling on a sharp rock. They were rushed to the hospital and stayed there for a while. They stayed for four weeks - three weeks before what made Fourteen go crazy.

What did make Fourteen go crazy?

They missed Ten and Fifteen and wanted to see their joyfriends again. They would do anything - and I mean ANYTHING - to make sure the three of them could be together. They wondered when they'd leave the hospital.

One day, a set of operating tools were left in Fourteen's room unintentionally. Fourteen then got a little too curious.

He tested some of the tools on his body and hurt himself with them. Then, he bandaged the wounds and cleaned the tools. After that, he hid the tools. Following that, he planned to kill - and to escape.

The next day, the camera in the room where Fourteen stayed was broken (Fourteen broke it), and someone came to fix it.
Fourteen woke up to see someone fixing the camera they broke, then got up, pulled the ladder out from underneath the handynumber's feet, and killed them.
Now Fourteen was hungry, and breakfast hadn't arrived.
So they ate the skin of the dead handynumber.
They loved the taste.

Fourteen progressively killed more Algebraliens and ate their skin.

He escaped the hospital with intentions to eat more skin - and with that, showing Ten and Fifteen how much he loved them.

A few days later, Four and their company were preparing to take a picture together. Fifteen prepped the camera and started the countdown to take the picture, and as the picture had been taken...

Fourteen attacked Two and ate some of the skin off the latter's head, resulting in a permanent scar.
He was about to kill Two when all of a sudden, a spade Algebralien named Black Jack (one of my OCs) saved Two from being hurt by Fourteen.

When Fourteen was confronted about attacking Two, he said that he did it for Ten and Fifteen's love, and it was for them.

After that, Fourteen was banned from the Equation Playground and Algebralex (the town) in general. Ten, even though he loved Fourteen, was too scared to be around Fourteen, so he hid from the other Algebraliens for a while because he thought he caused Fourteen's behavior - like it was a curse.
Fifteen was angry at Fourteen for the situation and also wanted to get away from him, so she ran away and became a hikikomori to prevent any situations like Fourteen's photobomb from happening again.

And then, years later, Fourteen was invited to the subcount because Ten thought that Fourteen could redeem themselves...
and the rest is history.

Word total: 550

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