As any fan of any fandom knows, there are infinite Earths in the Multiverse. Likewise, there are an Infinite number of Multiverses in the even greater Omni-verse.
Each Multiverse holds an infinite earths of each fandom, and every so often there is an overlap. Which is where Crossovers are.
Because there are Infinite Multiverses, there also exists an infinite number of Earth-1's, 2's or Prime's.
Every time an author writes a new story, from published authors to fan-fiction, they create a new Earth or even an entire new Multiverse to go with their story.
And, in the DC universe there have been an infinite number of Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Which is why authors always write there own versions when canon pissed them off.
Now that the dribble is done with, here's the story of Earth-14.
Heroes such as the Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all exist on the same Earth. It also crosses with the HP Multiverse.
Polygamy is a normal thing in the non-magical world. Not everyone does it but it does happen.
Superman and Batman both started in the late 90's to early 00's. Kara crashed on Earth a few years after Clark became Superman.
Oliver, Rae and Kara all met at college. Rae and Kara were roommates along with Sara Lance, who introduced them to Oliver. They didn't get together until after Oliver and Laurel Lance broke up.
Oliver had actually been planning on proposing to her before she dumped him. He was drinking and partying heavily when Rae and Kara found him and helped him sober up. Eventually the three got together, but didn't sleep together until just before Oliver left on the Gambit.
He was not cheating with Sara, as she too was part of the relationship though only for sex.
When Oliver was believed dead, Rae and Kara stayed together even though they live in separate cities. Oliver, Rae and Sara all know Kara's secret.
Oliver was born in '86, while Kara and Rae were both 'born' in '89.
Note: this has no Laurel bashing. she just had rotten timing. When Oliver came back, both Laurel and Quentin were angry because he invited Sara along on the Gambit.
This story takes place in 2015, just after the Vandal Savage crossover (mid-season 4 of Arrow, season 2 of Flash and season 1 of Supergirl).
Also takes place during Bart's 5th year at Hogwarts. Rae is 26. She was sent back 11 years from 2001 to 1990.
The Trinity of Justice
FanficOn 31st July 2000, James and Lily Potter had twins, Bartholomew 'Bart' Sebastian and Rose Dawn Potter. 15 months later, the family is attacked by the Dark Lord Voldemort but he is supposedly vanquished by Bart Potter while Rose is apparently killed...