Chapter 1: Gathering

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The cloaked figure road down an old somewhat overgrown trail in the thick of Wesley Forest atop a small light brown horse. The rider was draped in a green and grey mottled cloak with a deep cowl shadowing their face and slung over their shoulder was a massive longbow with an accompanying quiver of 24 arrows.

The pale orange light of the setting sun shone even through the thick trees of the familiar forest as the horse and rider trod at a moderate pace down the slightly used path.

The rider pulled gently on the reins of the small horse and it came to a stop in the middle of the track. The figure dismounted and began to check the shoes of the horse. Or so it appeared to onlookers. While the rider was so diligently checking it's horses hooves, under the deep cowl bright blue eyes were scanning the tree line for the source of the movement the figure had seen.

The rider stood and let a grin form on her lips.

"So Petal." The horse turned its head towards her rider and nudged her on the shoulder. "Should we tell Crowley that he's worn out his hiding spot?" Petal let out a short snort and shook her mane.

That wouldn't be wise Lea. He has a reputation to protect and an ego to nurture.  Lea let out a short laugh.

"Of course. I'll just let him play out his game for a while longer" Now of course her horse didn't speak but Lea knew what her horse ment by her actions. She often wondered if other Rangers spoke to their horses but pushed the thought aside. Best not to ask. Lea stroked her horses mane a few times before mounting her again. "Off we go then" Petal shook her head and began her steady trot down the path.

About time. Lea patted her horses neck.

"You know how he his. Best to leave him be" Petal let out a grunt

Isn't that what I told you?

"Oh hush" Lea said with a smile. "Lets pick up the pace shall we? It's getting dark" She pushed her heels gently in Petal's flanks and the horse took off farther into the forest towards their destination.


Sometime later Lea and Petal arrived at their destination. They rode into a large clearing dotted with tents and fire pits with fires now burning inside them. All around the clearing there were figures wearing cloak the same as her. She smiled at the sight. It's been a whole year since she's seen many of these faces. She saw a few new faces as well and it made happy. Fresh meat, she thought. That's what she called newly found apprentices.

The Annual Ranger Gathering.

Lea got down off her horse and stretched. It was a two days journey from Meric Fief where she was stationed and she had been riding all day. Normally this wouldn't faze her but being here amongst all the familiar faces was a once a year thing and the lively atmosphere hit her like the battle axe of an angry Skandian.

She was pulled from her thoughts by a friendly voice calling her name and she looked to see a boy her age making his way across the clearing towards her waving his hands get her attention. She waved back and made her way to meet him in the middle and Petal followed close behind her.
Will Treaty. A close friend and fellow hero of the kingdom.

"Will!" Lea called cheerfully. She pulled her cowl off of her head revealing her long dark brown hair that was tied back in a ponytail. She embraced the boy as they reached each other. She was delighted to see him. The last time they met as at last year's Gathering. "Its been a long time! How have you been? How are things in Seacliff?" The two were close friends. They were trained together as apprentices and shared many adventures together. But these days things have been very calm and anticlimactic.

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