You tried to drown out the sound of Stephen and Tony arguing on the phone as you texted Wanda.

Wanda, do you want another sibling?

Wanda 🔮
Hell no

You let out a groan, which Stephen and Tony ignored. You looked down at your phone to see another text from Wanda.

Wanda 🔮❤
Let me guess, Stephen and Tony are driving you crazy?

Bingo. If they keep this up, I might actually beg my mom and dad to let me get adopted by Scott and Hope.

Wanda 🔮❤
Alright, I might not want another sibling, but I wouldn't mind having a girl's night.

Like we used to do?

Wanda 🔮❤
Yep. Don't worry, I'll tell Nat not to invite Sharon. It'll be the usual group. You, me, Yelena, Kate, Nat, Shuri, Hope, Val and Carol.

I could use a break from boys

Wanda 🔮❤
Every boy? 😏


I'll see tonight


Your mom dropped you off at Natasha's house. As soon as you knocked on the door, the door was opened by Yelena.

You were pulled into the house like a vacuum sucks up trash into its void. Yelena pulled you into a bone crushing hug.

"Yelena!" You heard Natasha's voice in the livingroom.

Yelena growled. "What!" Yelena shouted back. She released you.

"Where's the remote!"


"You better help me find it!"

"Suka", Yelena muttered.

Yelena stormed into the livingroom. You took off your shoes and set your bag near the door with everyone else's.

Melina, Natasha's and Yelena's mother, looked up from her cooking and smiled at you.

"Y/N, it's so good to see you again", Melina said. "It looks like you've grown since I saw you".

"Well, I was in 5th grade last time you saw me", you said.

"How have you been, my dear?" Melina asked.

"Good", you said just as Kate and Wanda ran downstairs.

"Hey, you're here! Come on, we're all about to vote on a movie", Wanda said. The 3 of you ran up the stairs.

You went into Natasha's room, where there was a huge dry erase board on the bed.

"So, the options are Hamilton, Hunger Games or Coco", Wanda said.

"Hunger Games traumatized me when I watched it, so I would rather we didn't watch it", Kate said.

"We watched it when we were 8", Wanda said

"Doesn't matter, I choose Coco", Kate said.

"I chose Hunger Games, to Kate's displeasure", Wanda said.

"As much as I love the Hunger Games, I have to go with Hamilton", You said. You heard someone behind you. You turn around to see Carol.


Carol bounced towards the 3 of you. She wraps an arm around you and Kate.

"Sorry Carol, but Hunger Games is winning", Wanda said.


"MY NAME IS PHILIP! I AM A POET! I WROTE THIS POEM JUST TO SHOW IT!" Yelena sang at the top of her lungs as she bounced into the room. An annoyed looking Natasha came in right behind her. "AND I JUST TURNED 9! YOU CAN SAVE LIVES, BUT YOU CAN'T SAVE MINE!"


Yelena ran out of the room with Carol chasing after her. "Like Wanda said, Hunger Games has won, but if we're not tired by the time we get back, we can watch Hamilton", Natasha said.

"Get back from where?" You asked.

"You didn't tell her?" Wanda asked.

"It's movie night in the park", Natasha said. "Wanda, Kate, you two are going with me and Shuri. Y/N, you're going with Hope. We'll put Val and Carol with you guys so Carol doesn't kill my sister".

Natasha walks out of the room. You and Wanda looked at each other.


You sat in the passenger seat of Hope's car. "So, what's the update on you and Loki?" Hope asked.

"There's no update. We're just friends", you said. Hope gave you a look.

"Oh, come on. I see the way you look at each other", Hope said.

"You're not an expert at this stuff all because you have a boyfriend", you said. Hope smirked in response.

"I know, but I've known you and Loki since you two were in diapers. And I can tell when you two like someone", Hope said.

There was a moment of silence. Hope stops the car when she notices a familiar group of people crossing the street.

Tony, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Peter, Loki, Bucky, Sam and Scott walked across the street, shouting the lyrics to Hotel California.

"Scott!" Hope called out. Scott looked around to see who called his name until his eyes landed on Hope.

"Hope!" Scott smiled. He walked towards the car. The boys followed him. "How is girls night?"

"It's good. How's boys night?" Hope asked.

"Bitchin", Scott smiled.

"Wait, you told her about boys night? I didn't even tell Pep", Tony said.

"Well, Hope and I tell each other everything. We know about each other's family struggles and I know whenever it is her time of the-"

"Stop!" Hope puts a hand on Scott's mouth. "I think they get it". She placed a kiss on Scott's cheek.

Beside Thor, Loki waves at you. You smiled and waved back.

"I'll see you tomorrow", Scott said to Hope.

"See you tomorrow", Hope said before she drove off.

You arrived at the park, finding Natasha, Yelena, Wanda and Kate sitting on a blanket with popcorn.

Wanda waved the 4 of you over. You sat next to Yelena and Kate. Natasha made sure Carol was nowhere near Yelena. Carol and Val sat on the other side of Natasha and Hope.

Just as you all got comfortable, the movie began.

After coming back from the movie and eating out, you and your friends came home, tired.

Natasha carried a tired Yelena on her back. Carol and Val walked into the house, arms hooked together.

Wanda and Kate sat on the couch, resting their heads against each other's. Carol and Val sat down, Carol grabbed the remote and turned the TV to Disney Plus.

Hope helped Natasha set Yelena on the couch. Natasha pulls a blanket onto her little sister before taking a seat next to her.

You sat next to Carol and Val as the first song to Hamilton played.

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