On Saturday, Scott invited you to his house. When you got there, Shuri, Hope, Rhodey, Sam, Bucky, Yelena, Kate and Riri was there.

"Great. Now that everyone is here, we need to get down to business", Scott said. "I have purchased tickets to the carnival close to here. This is my big plan to celebrate mine and Hope's dating anniversary coming up, allow Shuri and Riri to go on their 2nd date and cheering up Y/N".

"I don't need cheering up", you said.

"Y/N, by now, everyone knows what happened between you and Loki", Hope said.

"It was pretty brutal", Yelena said.

"I wouldn't say all that", Kate said.

"Yeah, Kate's right. It wasn't brutal", you said.

"Well, regardless, this carnival will make you feel better. Hopefully", Scott said.

"Now, half of us will be in my car. The other half will be in Scott's car", Hope said.

"Hey, Tic Tac, can I ride with you?" Sam asked Scott.

"Sure", Scott smiled.

"Alright, I'm riding with Sam", Bucky said.

"Hell no!" Sam shouted. "So you can aggravate me the whole time? Nah, you're riding with Hope".

"No way! I have plenty of room", Scott smiled.

"Thanks Scotty", Bucky said, putting an arm around Scott. Bucky and Scott walked out of the house with Sam groaning behind them.

"We'll most likely get some peace in Hope's car", Shuri said. Riri nodded in agreement.

"I'd rather not hear Bucky and Sam arguing, so I'm sticking with you, Hope", Rhodey said.

You decided to join the group in Hope's car while Yelena and Kate joined Scott. You knew that was going to be a chaotic ride for Scott.

During the ride to the carnival, Shuri and Riri watched something on Riri's phone, laughing.

"Maybe we could make that in that garage of yours", Shuri said.

"For a 3rd date", Riri smiled. "Just don't bail on me again".

You put in your earbuds and listened to music for the rest of the ride.


When you arrived at the carnival, Scott gave everyone their tickets. "Everyone, have fun and remember, we meet back here at 7:50. The carnival closes at 8", Scott said.

Scott and Hope walked away together while Sam, Rhodey and Bucky went a different way. Shuri and Riri ran towards the Farris wheel, leaving you with Kate and Yelena.

Yelena wrapped an arm around you and Kate. "Don't worry, Y/N Strange, we are going to show you the paradise of being single", Yelena said.

The 3 of you walked towards a water blaster game. It looks like you have to hit the target to make a bar turn red.

You and Kate noticed a smirk on Yelena's face. "Oh no", You and Kate sighed in unison.

"Whichever one of you losses has to eat a gross food combination that I come up with", Yelena said.

You and Kate looked at each other hesitantly. You did want to see Kate eat a disgusting food combination, but was it really worth it?

"I'm down for it", Kate said.

You smirked maliciously. "You're on, Bishop", you said.

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