(I'm late with putting out Chapters 18 and 19. I was hoping to publish them on the 20th. Anyways, Happy Holidays!)

The next morning, Stephen woke you up. "Hurry, Y/N! We need to go!" Stephen said urgently.

You groaned. In response, Stephen hits you with a pillow. "What the hell, Stephen!" You shouted.

"Get dressed! We're leaving", Stephen said.

"What happened to not forcing me to go anywhere for the rest of the break?" You asked.

Tony's head popped in from the doorway. "Yeah, but we came up with something that will help you. For real this time", Tony said. Then, he disappeared into the hallway.

"Get dressed", Stephen said. Then, he walked out of the room.

You let out another groan and pulled the covers over your head. You felt something hit you.

"Ow!" You shouted, pulling the covers off of you. Instead of seeing Stephen or Tony, you saw America.

"Come on, Y/N! We're going to be late because of you!" America shouted. "Come on! ¡Apurarse! ¡Apurarse, perra!"

(If my translator is correct, America is saying "Hurry! Hurry, bitch!")

You were so confused. What was America doing at your house at 8 in the morning? Why did Stephen wake you up so early? What mess does Tony have you all in now? Will this be quick so you can go back to sleep? Also, you didn't speak Spanish, so you had no idea what America was saying.

You let out another groan before getting out of bed. You heard a knock on your door.

"I almost forgot. Pack your pajamas and another outfit", Stephen said behind the door.

"What for?!"

"Hey, listen to your brother", Tony said behind the door.

For a moment, you sat still, wondering where you were going and why Tony and Stephen had to be the ones you live with. Of all people.


After getting dressed, Stephen drove all of you to a breakfast diner. You walked in to see your friend group sitting at a few tables.

"Y/N! America!" You saw Kate waving for you to come. You and America sat at a table with Yelena, Kate, Wanda, Pietro, Shuri, Loki, Peter and Riri. You sat between Loki and Peter.

"Hey", Pietro said. "I'm-I'm sorry about last night".

"It's fine. It's not your fault", you said.

"Are you excited for your-"

Loki, Shuri and Riri put a hand over Peter's mouth. "You're not supposed to tell her, Genius!" Shuri exclaimed.

"I didn't!" Peter shouted.

"It's supposed to be a surprise, Peter", Riri said.

"See! Even my girl-" Shuri stopped herself. Riri looked at her in surprise.

"Hey!" Bucky shouted, standing up. "Don't spoil anything!"

"I'm not!" Peter promised.

"Damn it, Parker! It's always you! Where's your juice box!" Sam shouted.

"How about you two shut up, Samuel Wilson and James Buchanan Barnes!" Shuri shouted.

Sam and Bucky sat down. Riri smiled at Shuri. Shuri looked away nervously. Shuri, who was always been confident and sassy, was nervous and flustered.

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