It was the day of the Art competition and your room was in full chaos. Your entire group was in your hotel room, voice overlapping as advice, clothing tips and makeup tips came your way.

Natasha, who was worried they wouldn't serve food at the competition, made breakfast so you could have food in your stomach.

"We have to head up there in less than an hour. Tell me you are almost done", Bucky said.

"Hey! This kind of stuff takes time. She'll be ready in time", Wanda said. She fractionally shoves you into the bathroom.

You washed up and got dressed in the restroom. Then, you called out for Natasha to do your makeup.

You and Natasha came out of the restroom. Everyone stared in shock. Loki, however, looked like he was falling for you.

"Y/N, y-you look beautiful", Loki said.

"Thank you", you said before you kissed him.

"Ready to get this painting downstairs?" Sam asked, opening the closet that stored the painting.

"Stop!" You shouted quickly. "I will select who can and can't touch my painting". Everyone looked at you anxiously.

You looked around the room, thinking who all you trust with your painting and why.

"I would like Steve, T'challa, Nat and Val to carry my picture", you said. "Them, along with Loki, Kamala and Stephen are allowed to touch it".

The rest of your group shouted in protest. You held up a hand, silencing everyone.

"I have made my decision", you said. Natasha suppresses a smile as she, Steve, T'challa and Val picked up your painting.

"Everyone stand clear", Loki said.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Is it really that serious?" He asked.

"EVERYONE STAND CLEAR NOW!" Everyone jumped, turning to Kamala. Then, they stepped to the side so the group could get through.


The bus was filled with your loud friend group. The location was a beautiful, spacious outdoor area.

There was so many people and so many paintings from other schools. Your friends hurried out of the bus and hurriedly put up your painting with the others.

You removed the tarp, revealing a girl and many other characters from different universes.

Your friends stared at the painting in awe. "Holy shit, kid. This is what you've been hiding?" Val asked.

"How long did this take you?" Bruce asked.

"I don't know, two or three months", you shrugged your shoulders. You looked at your friends. Some of them had confused expressions.

Half of them probably didn't know what this is.

"You know what? Maybe this is a bad idea. We should go", you said. As the day got closer, you convinced yourself more and more that this was a bad idea.

Most of your friends exclaimed in protest. Stephen stepped forward. "Listen, kid, I have watched you come out of your shell more and more this year and this, this is the bravest thing you've ever done", Stephen said. Was he about to give you another lecture?

"Stephen, stop. You suck at this", Tony said, pushing Stephen out of the way. Stephen looked at him, offended. "You have worked so hard for this and we're not letting you back out because of one moment of cold feet".

That actually meant a lot to you, coming from Tony.

"Alright, listen up!" Clint announced to your friends. "We're all going to go over there and how about we have a picnic, yeah? Me, Tony, Nat and Sarah will go to the store, get supplies and-"

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