Chapter One

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If you know ONE single teenager that loves school then congratulations. You've witnessed a miracle. School is supposed to be the place where you make friends, learn stuff & grow up. Well that definition is BS. My experiences say school is the home of the bullies, hypocrites & dumbasses. In other words: hell itself. But I didnt think of it that way when I was younger. I loved it when I was a kid, of course kids love everything, but when you become a teenager you realize what school really is. Bullies are the only happy people in school. They feed of the others' fears, besides their lunches of course. I hate it. Thank god I only have to stand two more years of this nightmare.

- Honey you ready?! - I hear my dad's voice coming from downstairs. Unfortunately yes. I look at myself in the mirror before going down. My dirty blond hair seemed shinier today, making my brown eyes even browner. Then my clothes. That's another thing about high schools. You need to wear nice clothes or you'll be laughed at for the rest of the day, if you get lucky.

- Coming Dad! - I say and grab my school bag before going downstairs

- You not gonna have breakfast?

- I already did Dad. I eat and then change clothes. Remember? - I sigh. My mom was the one who knew. She left us a few years ago. Car accident. My dad was in there too but he just suffered some broken ribs. Mom pushed him aside and saved him. Shes our guardian angel.

- I miss her too - my dad says

- Huh? - he nods at my hand & I realize. I was holding my locket. Which had a picture of mom inside. - Yeah. Come on. Don't wanna be late for school - I add sarcastically. He rolls his eyes. He is one of those weird people who loves school and wishes to go back

- School is not that bad sweetie. Its your second home - he always says

- Yeah. That was like 30 years ago Dad. In your time. Now its not. - he would just laugh and then the conversation would end. Maybe he's right. Maybe school's not that bad but that's not the case of Mary St. Clair High School, home of the Dolphins. Football is the one thing school unites for. Everyone is cheering up our team and having some fun. The games are the only time amd place where everyone knows everyone, loves everyone and focuses on the team. Unfortunately they only last 2 hours. After the games everything goes back to normal.

My dad waves me goodbye and as the car leaves I turn around and breath in deeply.

- Here we go - I start walking when I hear footsteps behind me

- Yo Carter wait up - my friend Jennie is running behind me. She grabs my arm and we walk together. When we get to our lockers we sigh and laugh.

- This is insane - she says as she opens her locker door. I turn around amd nod. People are being pushed against the wall, freshmen are crying, senior laughing evily. It is insane.

- I hate school - I say and open my locker door. We take out our Algebra books and notebooks.

- Come on - I close my locker and hurry along with her. Our school isnt so big. You walk through the front door and find the lockers at your sides, at the end of the hall are the labs, upstairs you'll find the classrooms and behind the building is our beloved cafeteria which is kids buying in the market nearby, the cafeteria food here stinks. Our first period is Algebra. Boring, but at least everyone is paying attention to not get left behind so peace returns again.

- Can anyone tell me what this equation refers to? - I looked at the board and roll my eyes. The nightmare that never stops, begins again.

The lovely sound of the bell ringing after third period rang through my ears. As all the students, I grabbed my books and ran to the cafeteria.

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