Chapter Five

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The sound of water running down woke me up the next day. I checked my alarm clock: 6:35.

- At what time do we get in? - I asked Mina who was already dressed in her uniform, using her laptop.

- Eight o'clock - she said and smiled.

- Thanks...hey I didnt mean to be rude yesterday. I was annoyed by the comment yes, but I didnt want to be rude. - she shook her head.

- Dont worry, we know - she smiled again - Come on get up!

- Why? Ali's in the shower!

- Yes, but she got in ten minutes ago. She'll be out any second now - The sound of running water stopped. I sighed and got up. I found my uniform hanged in my side of the small wardrobe we had, beside my bed.

- Wait. I didnt have this yesterday! I forgot to pick it up!

- I know. It was delivered here this morning

- Oh. Thanks? - she nodded. Ali came out of the bathroom a few minutes later.

- Hey you're up! We have half an hour still! - she said

- Okay. Um guys...could you wait for me? I have no idea how to get to class or where's my first class - they laughed

- Dont worry - Ali said - We'll wait - I smiled and thanked them before I went inside the bathroom. As I took a quick shower the nerves slowly washed away. Having friends accompany you is way better than walking around the school's hallways alone. After I was dressed I went outside and put my PJ's back in the wardrobe. When I turned around I found the girl's staring at me.

- What? Am I wearing it wrong? - I asked them. They shook their heads. I went inside the bathroom and brushed my hair. I decided to let it loose for my first day, it looked prettier that way, you know, appereance is important on your first day.

- So. How do I look? - I asked the girls. I had looked at myself in the mirror but I wanted someone else's opinion.

- Oh Sabrina's gonna be so jealous - I frowned at Mina's comment.

- Is that good or bad? - I asked Ali and they laughed.

- Good! Sabrina's the only one who makes the uniform look good

- Was - Mina corrected & flashed me a smile. I sighed happily. I loked at myself in the mirror one last time. I did make the uniform look good. The white long socks reached my knees. My brand new black flats gave it some style. The dark gray school skirt may be a little too short but who cares? The white long sleeved shirt fitted me perfectly over the skirt and what I loved most were the solid light blue tie and the dark blue jumper with the school emblem on its left side. I turned around and smiled at them.

- Ready - Ali threw me the black blazer with the school emblem on its left side. Right, I forgot about that one. I put it on but left it unbuttoned.

- Come on! I need to see Sabrina's face! - Mina said while grabbing her bag. Ali laughed & grabbed our bags before following her. As we were walking down the halls I saw something I didn't realize yesterday. Boys and girls are in the same building but in different hallways. Our rooms were to the left, the boys' were to the right. The stairs to the upper floor where right in the middle.

- Seriously? Different hallways? - the girls nodded

- Mr. Fry is old school - Mina replied rolling her eyes. I shrugged. We went to the dining room and sat next to Timothy, a friend of theirs. He was cute. Medium sized, black hair, Justin Bieber style and some really green eyes.

- Hello Carter - he said. He had a harsh voice. Reminded me of J.

- You know my name?

- Yeah. Everybody does. Last night you made it pretty clear it was Carter - I nodded - Mine's Timothy.

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