Shearing through the wind

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In the dead of night, Toothless flies low towards Berk to not get spotted by anyone around with Hiccup and Heather on his back while staying low to not stand out as they make their way to the Dragon Arena to get Heather her own dragon. When they arrive, Hiccup makes sure the coast is clear, not noticing Astrid hiding and watching him.

Hiccup sees no one around and sneaks Toothless and Heather in as he looks at the cages and chooses the best one for Heather. He walks over to the one holding a Razorwhip and pulls the lever to start opening the doors.

"What are you doing?" Heather asks him as he opens the gate and the silver dragon exits.

"Trust me." Hiccup tells her as the Razorwhip starts coming out slowly towards Hiccup. He holds his hand out and walks back slowly.

"It's's okay." Hiccup tells the dragon calmly before stepping back towards Heather and grabs her hand.

"Okay, now hold your hand out slowly and just look away. This is how me and Toothless bonded." Hiccup tells her and Heather does as he says and the dragon starts sniffing her hand and puts her nostril to it.

Heather looks in shock and starts smiling before scratching the dragons chin. "Hey there, girl. You're not so scary." Heather says as Hiccup moves across the arena. "Wait, where you going?" She asks him, not thinking she's got the hang of it yet.

"You're gonna want to hold onto something." Hiccup says as he holds up some equipment he needs to make her a saddle. "Trust me, bare dragon back gets uncomfortable." He explains and she understands that.

Hiccup then makes his way to the forge and starts making her saddle, it took a while and he had to remain quiet. He starts to sneak back into the woods but when he notices Astrid, he quickly starts sneaking into the woods where Heather is waiting for him and trying to not be spotted by Astrid.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks him, seeing him look scared. "I was just almost spotted. But it's okay, I wasn't followed." Hiccup says as he helps put the saddle on her dragon.

"So, you thought of anything to call her?" Hiccup asks while strapping the saddle down.

"I was thinking something strong, fierce and smart. Like Windshear." Heather says.

"Nice." Hiccup comments on her name as he helps her on the dragon and jumps on Toothless. "Let's ride." He says while he's adjusting his dragons tailfin and they fly off to fight the Red Death.

Meanwhile, Astrid sees the two dragons take off into the sky and can't believe what she's seen. She saw Hiccup and some girl she's never met before sneak off and fly off on two of the most dangerous dragons and ran off to tell the chief of what she found.


In the skies near The island, Heather and Hiccup are flying to fight off the Red Death and to finally bring the dragon raids to an end. Maybe even stop the war between the two.

"You know, it's not too late to turn back if you want." Hiccup tells her. "I've come this far, why stop now?" Heather states and Hiccup smiles and is happy to see he has one (human) friend throughout all of this. They make it to the island.

"What are we gonna do?" Heather asks, thinking they should've discussed the plan beforehand.

"I'm planning to do something stupid." Hiccup says as he flies up to the top of the mountain and Heather starts shooting a hole into the side of the mountain to draw the Red Death out using Windshear's tail and her fire blasts. Inside the mountain, Toothless fires at the Red Death and agitates it and it starts coming after them

Hiccup and Toothless fly towards the hole that Heather made for him and they fly out as the Red Death destroys a whole part of the mountain and all of the dragons fly away form the fight.

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