Zippleback experience

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The team has started to begin do what they can to make sure that the Edge is secure from the Dragon Hunters.

The dragons were usually all they needed over the past few years, but they know they won't be able to help as much with those dragon root arrows they carry.

"We've been seeing ships off the northern coast that have absolutely no reason to be there." Hiccup explains why they're here. "With this, we can send an early warning signal if they come into our waters."

"If you're talking about Dagur and Ryker, which I'm assuming you are." Snotlout says.

"Actually, I wasn't." Hiccup tells him.

"How about this? Whoever's out there that shouldn't be out there, let's just get on these very effective fire-breathing war machines, and go out and blast them into oblivion." Snotlout finishes.

"Because that's not who we are, Snotlout. This island is ours and we defend ourselves. We don't strike unless threatened." Heather informs him.

"Don't worry, Hookster. She doesn't speak for us." Snotlout says as they hear cheering and see Ruff and Tuff sliding down the snow mountain and using their dragons blasts, causing the snow to fall with them. "Or them for that matter."

"Those two muttonheads better not bring all that snow up there down on us." Astrid warns them.

"It's not the snow I'm worried about." Hiccup says as they see the twins started a avalanche with ice falling down in them.

Seeing they're in trouble, they fly off to rescue them.

Fishlegs and Astrid rescued the twins as Hiccup rescued their dragon.

They all come back as Barf and Belch start licking Hiccup for rescuing them.

"Okay, I get it. You're welcome." Hiccup says and starts getting off of Toothless and Heather sees his leg is damaged.

"Hiccup, I wouldn't do that if I were..." Heather was saying, but was too late as Hiccup slips.

Barf and Belch help hiccup stand again and raises him into the air.

"Uh, can you put me down now, guys?" Hiccup asks of them and they drop him against Toothless. "And it's for moments like these that I always carry a spare." He states and pulls it out of Toothless' saddle and replaces it.

"So, if that's all you need from us, then we'll just be going back to..." Tuffnut was saying while he and Ruffnut start walking away.

"Windshear." Heather calls her dragon and she shoots spikes in front of the twins.

"Hey, your dragon just shot at us." Ruffnut tells her.

"I know she did, because I told her to." Heather says.

"Not cool, W. Not cool at all." Tuffnut tells the Razorwhip.

"Anyway, since you two seem so eager to spend some time away from the group, you get to pull the first two shifts of patrol duty." Hiccup tells them.

"He's really become a tyrant ever since we've found him." Ruffnut says to her brother.

"Power will do that to you." Tuffnut concourse as everyone flies off, leaving the twins.


They make it to the Edge where Hiccup goes to his hut followed by Heather.

"This leg needs to be filed down, it's pinching me." Hiccup tells Heather who chuckles at that as he opens the door to his hut, where they're met with a pile of fish falling on the two of them.

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