Maces and Talons

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The team are all fighting off another few boats of Dragon Hunters and rescue their dragons they have captured as it seems to be getting easier.

"I keep saying don't underestimate them. And what do you do?" Dagur asks Ryker. "You underestimate them!" He says as Windshear shoots some spines their way and Dagur dodges while Ryker blocks it.

"Someone is giving them information. Someone who knows where we're going to be." Ryker sees.

Snotlout gets knocked off of Hookfang and lands on the twins dragon as they get hit and Hookfang saves Ruffnut.

"Really? He saves her?" Snotlout asks since Hookfang never cared about him. "Thanks a lot, Hookfang!"

"I know I'm not as sticky or annoying as Snotlout, but let's try and work together." Ruffnut asks of Hookfang as they fly in and get knocked down.

"They're down! Pull them up!" Dagur tells them

"Okay, Snotlout, you gas, I spark." Tuffnut says as the deck gets filled by Zippleback gas.

"Yeah, I got it. I got it!" Snotlout says as he sparks it and they go flying.

"Yes! How awesome are we?" Tuffnut asks Snotlout.

"Let me think. Totally awesome! That's who we are." Snotlout answers as Hookfang and Ruffnut try getting free of the net.

"When you're done handing out the Viking of the Year awards, you mind getting us outta here?"

"Shall we?" Snotlout asks.

"We shall." Tuffnut agrees.

They all start flying away from the burning ships leaving the hunters.

"That was..."

"Indescribable." Snotlout and Tuffnut say.

"You! Get off my dragon." Ruffnut tells Snotlout as she's still ringing Hookfang.

"Actually, my boy, Snot and I are gonna hang for a bit. You know, relive the glory of battle." Tuffnut tells his sister,

"Ugh! Come on, Hookfang." Ruffnut says as they fly off.


Ryker is getting seriously frustrated by their victories and their losses.

"We're heading back to the island." One of his men say.

"On who's orders? Ryker asks.

"Viggo's. He's waiting." He explains.

"Good. We'll let him settle these riders." Ryker states as he walks off to greet his younger brother.

Virgo Grimborn.


"These battles are becoming more rampant, we sure Johann isn't putting himself in danger by getting us all of this information?" Heather asks Hiccup as they make it to the Edge.

"Johann knows what he's doing, he says he's getting close enough to actually meet the head of the Dragon Hunters. And if we take him out, the whole army will be without a leader and will collapse, ending the fighting." Hiccup tells her. "Don't worry, Johann knows how to keep himself out of trouble. And if he thinks he's in danger, we'd be able to get him out of anything. And if it does get captured, he can tell them one of his stories until they release him." He jokes.

Heather laughs at his attempt of humor when Snotlout and Tuffnut come cheering running in a wagon as they're getting along a lot more than usual.

"Can you two stop? Or at least go somewhere else?" Heather asks as these two are creepin' her out.

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