Megan Del Rosso

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More importantly about how I could have strangled Megan del Rosso for acting like such a glorious bitch on such a beautiful afternoon. If I weren't holding Darcy's hand, or escorting her out the school doors, I would have pounced on her and beat her Barbie face to a pulp.

It isn't even about what she said to me. It's about what she said to Darcy. They swept by and their shoulders touched. Being the ballistic-minded airhead that she is, despises Darcy. I didn't even know that was possible. Who could hate my girlfriend? She's so...sweet all the time–every second of every day. And she's gorgeous.

I guess people are jealous of who they can't be. Hell, if I were of the female species, I'd be jealous too.

Megan didn't like it, so she made it extremely clear with vulgar language. I stepped in and made sure she knew exactly where to shove it and dragged Darcy out the school doors.

Walking hand in hand down the sidewalk on Humber Street, she doesn't seem one bit fazed by the entire encounter. She's too busy thinking about something Darcy-ish. Maybe, how to make the world a better place with a psychotic boyfriend at your side.

"Why the hell are you talking to yourself?"

"Nothing to worry about," she smiles up at me, "thanks for helping me out back there."

To think I have the audacity to be swarmed with butterflies when I'm planning to kill half my class. "Not a big deal," I give her hand a firm tug and she comes crashing into my side. "Megan's a bitch."

I keep an arm around her waist like I see Ryder do with Stephanie. "Don't let anyone talk to you like that, Darcy. I'll be pissed if it happens again."

"Calm down, I'm unharmed." I feel the soft press of her lips against my jaw. "But you really didn't have to yell at her like that."

"I didn't like the way she spoke to you."

We fall back into a steady rhythm of silence before she speaks up again, clutching the strap of her messenger bag. "I just realized I've never seen you smile."

"There's nothing to smile about."

"I'm something to smile about," her childlike giggles have my heart racing for the millionth time this month. My face contorts into a deep scowl as she continues laughing excitedly. I would tell her to shut it, but it's not very boyfriend-ish of me.

I let out a low grunt and take the next left. Darcy is positively beaming as we keep walking. She swipes her tongue along her lips, and I suddenly wish she did it to mine instead.



"I need to buy some," I say. "Come with?"


Darcy and I head down the next route and towards one of those rundown convenience stores that don't check for ID when a minor wants to buy alcohol. Not to say I've never bought alcohol because I have. How else am I supposed to de-stress? Clearly, I've found other ways to cope with untethered emotions.

The bell above the door chimes to signal our arrival, but the old man at the front doesn't look up from the newspaper in his hands.

I head to where they keep all the 'hygienic' products. Darcy looks for whatever it is that has gotten her attention and paces down the aisle. I can either take a few or buy a small pack.

"Which size am I supposed to get?" I ask her, dumbfounded. It's not like I have any previous experience I can rely on.

"Uh, let's see." She leans forward, reading each package carefully. "I have no clue. Maybe get one of each size and then we can decide when we get to your place?"

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