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        𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟔𝟔𝟎

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        𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟔𝟔𝟎


The rest of last week was dreadful. All you guys did was study.. like actual school work. The battle trial and the quirk apprehension test had you thinking this course would be about your quirk, hero work, or just anything unrelated to studies.

Boy, in your dreams.

"Aizawa senseiii, can we please do something fun now? My head feels like it's going to explode with all these studies! Im serious!!" You heard Mina say as you watched her rock back and forth in her chair while grabbing her head. You laughed as you shook your head at her stupidity. You were growing quite fond of her.

"Be formal, Ashido. Don't drag out the 'Sensei'. Im also glad you brought that topic up seeing as I have something to discuss with the class." Mr.Aizawa said as he got up out of his cocoon and stood at his desk.

"A-Are we going to be working with All Might?!"

"Hell yeah dude! Finally some hero work!"

"Fucking finally I can blast away some extras."

"Yayyyyy! Thank you Aizawa senseiiiii!"

You also sighed in relief, hoping you could finally use your quirk again. Yeah you'd been using it to train with Todoroki or Katsuki, but you wanted to go against other people with unique quirks. Maybe some people from Class-B.

"Settle down everyone. You guys are going to train at a facility we have labeled, 'USJ'. Other Pro Heroes and I will assist you all to help improve your quirk in other aspects besides fighting. Rescue training, hand-to-hand combat, it's all there. Now, get your Hero Costumes on and meet me outside." Everyone immediately rushed out of their seats and sprang to grab their costumes.

You had to admit, you couldn't hide the look of excitement on your face either. It was definitely going to be interesting seeing as there'd be other Heroes besides Eraser Head. You'd also get to fight with your classmates, something you loved to do.

You picked up your case and walked with Mina to the locker rooms. She was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. She linked her fingers with yours and was swinging your guys arms back and forth. You chuckled and went along with your best friend's antics.

After you all had finished changing, you guys went outside to meet with Aizawa. You saw Kirishima and Katsuki walking ahead of you so you ran up behind them to join them.

"Hey Kirishima! Hi Katsukiii!" You said as you slipped between the both of them and slung one of your arms around each of their shoulders.

"Oh hey Y/N! What's up?"

"The fuck do you want?"

You rolled your eyes at Katsuki's response and turned to face Kirishima. "Nothing much, just super pumped to be using my quirk again! Especially trying out a rescue technique instead!" You said as you passed Kirishima a toothy smile.

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