𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1: 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚊𝚢

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Her hunger was sated, now she realized how tired she felt. The bloody girl walked back to the place she was staying, ears alert for any danger. She knew she was not the only one around here that was dangerous, this was in fact someone else's hunting grounds she was encroaching on. She did not want to be caught just yet so she was swift in entering the dilapidated building and climbing the rickety old stairs. The elevator was a hard pass, it was probably older than her grandmother not to mention the fact that it was currently lodged into the floor from crashing down one day. Yeah, hell no to that.

She arrived on floor three and walked down the hall to the last door on the right, this was her humble home for the past three days. Inside were two rooms, a bathroom and then a room for everything else. There was a tiny bed propped in the corner, a dingy fridge and stove set across from it, a lumpy couch, and a dresser with a few missing drawers. It was trashy but she was used to things like this, there also wasn't any complaining because it was free. She stripped off her tattered clothes and entered the bathroom, turning on the shower and hopping in. She didn't mind cold showers, they made her feel alive. The dark blood pooled around her feet, washing down into the drain as well as the dirt and grime.

With each scrub of her body, she became more and more herself. She was no longer the psycho cannibal girl but she was now Rosa, just Rosa. She sighed, her head down under the faucet as the water hit against her back. She wished she could be just Rosa instead of what she was. If only.

She hopped out of the shower, looking at herself through the cracked foggy mirror. Through the fog she looked normal, though when she smeared away the fog she was met with her ghoulish face. She snarled, turning from the mirror and leaving the bathroom. She jumped into her bed, surrounding herself with her blanket before falling asleep almost instantly. There was no need for her to change before bed, she was the only one living here.

Her sleep was dreamless, when she woke up it was like she had never slept in the first place. She yawned and stretched, popping her bones before rising from her creaky bed. She went to her dresser, pulling out something to wear before dressing herself. Rosa made sure to take her purse with her, slinging it onto her shoulder. In the bag was about 100 dollars, all stolen because there was no way she could ever get a job with the state of her face. She then grabbed her trusty mask, securing it on her face before leaving. It was your average mask people wore when they were sick, just adjusted so it covered her mouth fully.

She left the abandoned apartment building and blended in with the other people rushing to get to work on time, only she was not going to work. Rosa sat on the bench at the bus stop, brushing her frizzy hair out of her face idly. If she was going to stay in this town and hunt here, she was going to need more clothes. At the end of last night, she was running around with bloody scraps that were two seconds from falling off. It made her look threatening, yes, but it also was uncomfortable, especially since it was almost winter. So she boarded the bus and waited until it stopped at the mall before getting off.

At the mall she beelined it to the nearest clothing store, scanning the clearance aisle for anything that would last more than a couple of nights. That meant no light-coloured items, no thin fabrics, no constricting materials, and most definitely no revealing clothes. She wanted this haul to last at least a month so she stocked up, spending almost all of her money on about 4 shirts and 2 pants. She made sure to leave a few dollars for the bus fee back home. Rosa didn't need to save money for food since in about 12 hours she would go hunting again, so more money spent elsewhere.

Rosa hated when she had to check out, talking to the clerk was one of the worst experiences ever. For one, she has a stutter which wouldn't be that bad if she wasn't also terrible at social interactions. Not only that but her mutilated lips prevented her from saying most words that had B's, P's, V's, F's, M's, etcetera in them. She deemed every social interaction karma for everyone she hurt and will hurt in the future.

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