𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4: ǝןɔoɯǝ Hoɯǝ

17 0 1

Rosa opened her eyes, instantly closing them again and wincing from the pain she felt all over. Her head ached badly, her thigh felt like it was burning. Not only that but she was starving. She let out a whine, forcing herself to open her eyes again. She found herself in her room, lying on the floor in a pool of her own dried blood. "Shit.." She grumbled, trying to sit up to check her wounds. Her hands clenched onto the wood floor tightly, knuckles white as she tried to lift her body up. This was the worst pain she'd ever felt. Her body felt like it was hit by a train, she was fucking bleeding! With one big push and a clenched jaw, she finally sat up.

Before she could fall back down again she leaned her back against the wall behind her, breathing heavily. Her thigh, it looked horrendous. All the dried blood, the jagged tear in her flesh. It made her feel lightheaded. Well, also because of the blood loss. 

Rosa looked around the room for a cloth or something near her to patch up her wound, finding nothing in her vicinity and having to resort to using her shirt. She ripped the bottom of it off, wrapping it around her thigh before tying it tightly, crying out at the pain. Once it was fully secured, she took a deep breath of air into her lungs before putting one hand on the bed and the other on the wall behind her, using all of her strength to try and stand up. She screamed out, watching as her makeshift bandage quickly turned red from the movement. But she had to keep going, she needed to find something to stitch herself up. Again she tried to stand up, putting her weight on her good leg once she finally got up off of the ground. Rosa had to take a minute to catch her breath, body soaked in sweat from the exertion. 

Where would she find thread? She doesn't have a sewing kit, she doubts she even has a needle. Rosa looked down at her leg, watching the dark liquid run down her calf and pool under her. To make matters worse, her stomach growled lowly, causing her to clutch her abdomen in pain. Fuck! What was she going to do? She let out a shaky whine, looking around the room desperately. Why was she such a dumbass to go helping random strangers? It was obvious that the man had ill intentions, why was she so fucking desperate? Rosa clenched her eyes shut, trying to come up with a solution. Her stomach growled again, drawing out a groan from her. There's no way she can think on an empty stomach, she needs to hunt. Rosa glanced down at the alarm clock that was knocked to the floor in her and the man's tussle, it was 10 p.m. Ok. Not the ideal time but it was something. Rosa took a deep breath in before limping over to the door, biting back the pain with tears in her eyes as she unlocked the door.

It took her a while to hobble over to the stairwell, a lot of blood was lost as well as a few curse words shouted. But now she stood atop the staircase, debating every decision up to this point. She was going to die. There was no way she was making it down 3 flights of stairs with a bleeding leg. What the hell am I gonna do? She thought, holding onto the doorway to the stairwell.  Rosa frowned, taking a few hobbled steps forward before hopping down the first step, keeping her wounded leg bent in the air. It hurt and she had to hold desperately onto the banister but it was better than bleeding out upstairs or trying to walk down normally. So Rosa had to hop down the stairs, with each jump she cried out louder and louder until she finally hopped down the last step, losing her balance before landing on her face on the floor. She cried, rolling onto her back as she brought her hands up to her mouth. She felt blood. Rosa looked to the floor beside her, finding a sharp tooth staring back at her. God damnit! Rosa forced herself up, keeping one hand hovering over her mouth while the other picked up her lost tooth. She shoved it in her pocket, using the bannisters to stand back up again.

Rosa knew she didn't have much longer before she blacked out, either from blood loss or hunger. She didn't know which one would be worse. So she sped up her limping stride, rushing out of the abandoned building and beelining it towards her hunting grounds. Rosa knew this was crazy of her, limping out in the open without a mask. But she had no options, it was either die starving or die fed. She knew there was no other option. Her hunger was destructive, violent. If she let it fester for too long it'd take her over and destroy everything. She did not want that to happen.

𝖁𐊊օ𝙤ꓒ𝙮 Ꮥm𝗂│𝒆 (Jeff the Killer x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now