𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7: Ꮤ𐌀𐌋𐌊 𐌕𐋅𐌃Ꝋ𐌵Ᏽ𐋅 𐌕𐋅𐌄 ᏔꝊꝊ𐌓𐌔

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Rosa woke up with a pounding headache but was thankful to be alive. The conversation she had with that creature before was at the forefront of her mind, making her whip her head around in fear of it still being there. Waiting, watching. Thankfully it wasn't there, though her looking around so spastically made her headache worse.

It was mid-day, the sun was just setting behind the treeline as the moon began rising. The trees along the treeline around her shook subtly from the light breeze. Rosa sat up, clutching her stomach as she was hit with an intense pain and low rumbling from it. She was starving. She didn't know what to do. There was no way for her to go to civilization to hunt, she didn't know how to get back. The only thing she could do was starve.. Or ask it for help...

It wanted her to heal. Why would it let her starve if it wanted her healthy? Rosa furrowed her brows, tucking her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She didn't want to talk to it ever again. It was too scary. But she didn't want to starve. Her hunger was painful, it ruined her a little more each time it was left unchecked. She didn't know what she'd do if she went on a rampage out here, probably start eating the trees out of desperation. She chuckled glumly, taking in a deep breath to calm her nerves. It's OK Rosa, you can do this. You got this. It's easy just.. Just call it out. It will be OK. Rosa was desperate to calm herself down, breathing slowly and chanting words of encouragement in her mind.

"H-help! Rosa needs help.." Her voice died down the longer she spoke, chills running down her spine in fear. It was coming. She felt it. The static was next. She heard it faintly, like the buzzing of a bee near her ear before it suddenly was loud and booming in her ears. She screamed but practically choked on her spit as it appeared before her. She would never get used to its teleportation or its appearance. It was uncanny, just past the line between normal and uncanny valley for her to feel unsettled. Add in the memory of its true face and Rosa swore she almost pissed herself in its presence. What do you need, child? It tilted its head down at her, contorting its back so it was hovering over her.

Rosa gulped. "Hungry.." She groaned, her stomach taking its cue to growl loudly and shoot a pain in her insides that had her crying out. Aw.. Poor thing. It cooed mockingly in her mind, chuckling lowly and amplifying the static it produced. If you want me to get you food say it, use your words. Rosa felt like she was being treated like a child, hating the fact that it was drawing this out to this proportion. She should've just starved, that would've been better than prostrating herself to its whims.

She sighed, "Can you get food for Rosa?" She asked, barely above a whisper. When she heard the chuckle in her mind she knew it heard her. It leaned closer to her, causing the static to get louder as well as forcing Rosa to back up. Where's your please? It mocked, cackling at the look on her face from its words. Rosa furrowed her brows, what little cheeks she had flushed red from embarrassment. Of course, it would bully and belittle her with a word she couldn't say due to her facial deformity. She shook her head, turning from it in embarrassment and slight anger, forgetting slightly the fact that she was getting an attitude with an eldritch being that could kill her in the blink of an eye.

It chuckled loudly into her ears, causing her to flinch and cover them. Wow, all this attitude because I asked you to say please? Maybe I shouldn't get you food.. It was mocking her. Rosa furrowed her brows in anger and embarrassment. Of course it was mocking her. This was fine, this was perfectly fine. Rosa didn't need food. She could starve. She didn't need its help nor its bullying. She kept her head turned away from it, fighting tears from welling up in her eyes. It tried to see her face and she ducked down to place her face in between her knees. She hated when people made fun of her. Hated when they tried to make her say things she couldn't say. It wasn't funny, it hurt.

𝖁𐊊օ𝙤ꓒ𝙮 Ꮥm𝗂│𝒆 (Jeff the Killer x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now