𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 8: 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓

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It was the day after Jeff had relied on it to save him from the cops and he's been laying low since. He didn't want to risk himself going out there and getting fucked over and he would rather cut his own balls off than ask it for help again. Once was good enough, too much in his eyes. He was beating himself up in his mind for ever being dumb enough to run out without even a semblance of a plan. He got what he deserved, he grumbled to himself, now he's stuck at home and not allowed to kill that stupid toothy bitch.

It made no sense why it wanted Jeff to spare that kid. Judging from how easily he was able to subdue her, her fighting skills were shit. Not only that but the bitch was hideous, all gums with teeth jutting up everywhere, taking up most of her small little face. Before Jeff dug himself into a hole, wondering why it decided to protect the kid, he realized he didn't understand any other decisions it made and decided to stop thinking about it before he drove himself crazier than normal. It was an enigma, a being that was probably as ancient as time itself. The things it wanted and did was something Jeff tried not to focus too much on, lest he realized how little control over this life he really has, he merely shoved it far into the recesses of his mind.

"Now what?" He grumbled out, scratching under his chin as he lounged on his bed. Now that he was on self-inforced house arrest for the next few days he had nothing fun to do. He could drink himself into a stupor but then he'd be out of booze for the remaining days and he always got all tingly whenever he was without alcohol for an extended amount of time. He could snoop around in the other rooms, see if anything of value was left behind. Doubtful. And it would most likely be boring if he found nothing.. "Ugh.. What the shit is there to do?" He flopped back onto the bed dramatically, the crown of his head touching the wall while his legs stayed planted on the floor. He took his knife out of his hoodie pocket, lightly tossing it in his dominant hand in boredom.

"Heyy.." Jeff whispered to himself, if he had working eyelids they would've narrowed in thought. He was having an eureka moment, an epiphany if you will. "That bitch isn't here, it said so. Her stuff should still be up there..." He trailed off, using his core to lift himself off the bed, sliding his knife back into his pocket in the same motion. It would be somewhat interesting to snoop around in her stuff. See what silly little girlie things she had hoarded up there. Besides, there wasn't anything else to do in this shit hole.

With that goal in mind, Jeff marched out of his room, towards the stairs that still had the dried blood on them. He was not the type of guy to clean up after himself let alone clean up shit that he didn't even do. So yeah, the blood was nearly black, dried up and crusting off as he climbed up the stairs. He reached her floor and took note of the amount of blood in the hallway, he grinned to himself, proud of the damage he caused to her.

Jeff pushed open the door, being met with the room he had woken up in a day prior. It looked relatively the same, only more bloody and dishevelled. It looked like she was searching for something before she stumbled out. Probably something to sew her leg up, he assumed, absently opening her drawers and peering in.

She had normal pairs of underwear, nothing too explicit. Jeff furrowed his brow, slamming the drawers shut at the thought. Why did he care what panties she had? She's fucking hideous! He quickly moved on to her other drawers, looking for anything of value.

So far he found nothing, just boring old clothes that offered no new information about her. He was hoping to find something embarrassing in here like a dildo or something. Something that'd give him something to laugh about and fight off the boredom for the day. But no. Of course the little gremlin had the most boring room possible.

"Stupid toothy bitch.." he grumbled, finding her small purse on the top of her end table before pocketing the few dollars that were in there.

Now thinking about it, there was really no reason for her to have anything important in her room. She was squatting in an abandoned apartment complex, just like him she probably moved around a lot. Having expensive things is useless when you don't know if you're gonna have to flee town the next time you leave the house.

𝖁𐊊օ𝙤ꓒ𝙮 Ꮥm𝗂│𝒆 (Jeff the Killer x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now