𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5: Welcome Home

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Rosa awoke with a pained groan, her body felt like it was ran over seven times by an 18-wheeler. Everything hurt, she couldn't move a single muscle without it hurting. It felt like she was in a coma for months and was just waking up from it. She groaned, trying to stretch out her stiff muscles before pain shot through her. Her eyes focused on the scene around her, finding herself lying in a clearing of a forest. The sun kissed her skin, burning her eyes and causing her to squint. She didn't know where she was. She couldn't remember what happened to her before waking up. Everything was a blur.

She tried to get up, only to cry out in pain. She looked down at herself, finding her body covered in dirt and dried blood. Her shirt was ripped and torn to shreds, her shorts were stained with mud and blood. On one of her thighs was a dirty makeshift bandage, soaked through with blood. Rosa moved the leg, finding that it didn't hurt as much as she expected it to. It should have been burning with pain, judging from the amount of blood, but it felt.. normal. What happened yesterday?

Rosa sat up finally, looking around her for any clues on how she got here. The only thing she found was grass. Not even a bug was running around in the grass below her. Just her, the forest, and the shining sun. Not a cloud in the deep blue sky. She had no clue what to do. She had no food, no water. The only thing she could do was get up and walk around until she found somewhere to go.

It was easier said than done. It took all of her strength to even stand up. Although she was sure her wound on her leg was miraculously healed, her entire body ached. Her throat felt scratchy, her ears ringed. It was like she had the world's worst hangover. She knew she shouldn't be walking, that she needed to find a place to rest, but there was nowhere. She couldn't find a house, a town, a road. Nothing was near her but grass, more grass, and then the tree line in all directions. She didn't even know where she was.

Suddenly, like something snapped in her brain, she fell to the ground in shock. Her mind was flooded with images of what happened, of waking up bleeding out, hobbling out of the apartment, hunting, coming out here, meeting... it. Rosa felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention, the urge to run taking over her body. She knew it was still here. It never leaves, it's always there, watching. She couldn't tell where it was, her eyes darted from tree to tree, scanning for any signs of the creature.

She didn't know why it didn't kill her. What did it want with her? What in the world did it mean by 'Welcome Home'? She wasn't home. She was in the middle of the forest, lost out of her mind and scared. She was not home. So why did it say that?

Her mind was racing with questions that she knew she wouldn't get the answer to anytime soon. She had to ask.. it. She knew it was still there. Could feel it, hear it faintly. The static hum. Maybe she finally lost it, maybe she was going crazy. But she didn't care right now. "Where are you?!" She yelled, clenching her fists as she immediately regretted her decision. It appeared behind her, its loud static filling the air and making her ears pound. She looked up at it in fear, hands hovering over her ears as she tried to block out the noise. "Why is Rosa here?" She whimpered, eyes squeezed shut as she tried to calm her breathing. It did nothing to help her, she still felt the panic rising in her chest.

The creature didn't say anything at first, staring down at the girl before it. Silly child, you are finally home. It spoke again in her mind, startling her and causing her to stumble back a bit. It teleported closer to her, not even allowing her to be any further from it than it allowed. It crouched down, head tilted as it watched her. Home. You are home. You are safe. Rest. It stood up to its full height again, towering over her menacingly.

Rosa didn't know what to think of it. It told her she was home? Safe? She didn't feel safe. She felt like she was going to pass out any moment. But then again, it didn't kill her yet. Why would it bring her out to the middle of the woods, take her to some sort of limbo, and do nothing to her? It made no sense! She felt tears fall down her cheeks, hiccupping sobs leaving her throat as she covered her face. She didn't understand. She was so confused. What the hell was happening? Why was this happening?

Shh.. Don't cry child. They all react this way. You'll get used to it. It spoke again in her mind, trying to soothe her somewhat. Its voice was too distorted, too static-y to make her feel safe. It had the opposite effect. It made her feel anxious, sick to her stomach. Like something was crawling on her skin, trying to break through the barrier of flesh to get to her soul. She felt it, like tiny spider legs crawling all over her skin. "Rosa doesn't understand.." She whimpered, avoiding looking at its face. She didn't know if it was going to be blurry if she looked at it again or its true face and she didn't want to gamble that. The last time she looked at its true face she screamed loud enough to burst her eardrums and rupture her vocal cords. She didn't want to have that happen again. Rosa didn't want to question how her ears and vocal cords were suddenly fixed. She was talking to an eldritch being, certain things didn't need to be questioned.

The creature hummed in amusement, watching the girl's reaction to it with great interest. Peculiar little girl. Her reactions to it were not normal, no. Most would've tried to run. It remembered the only one who tried to fight him with a deep rumble of a laugh, echoing throughout Rosa's head. That boy was peculiar too. Too headstrong, too narcissistic to think things through. He thought he could stand against it? Hilarious. He was foolish, but he was also special.

Child, you have been reborn in a new form. Have you not noticed yet? It warbled in Rosa's mind, leaning down towards her. She flinched in fear, hands covering her ears again as the static got louder due to its proximity to her. She avoided looking at it, staring at the grass in fear of seeing its face. That horrible image was stuck in her mind. Whenever she closed her eyes, it was there. Always there. It will always be there. You are now part of my family, Rosa. A new beginning. It reached its hand out, gently petting the top of her head in an attempt to calm her. You are special now, you cannot die. So why worry about it? You are safe here. So rest up, heal, then go back. It's hand trailed down her head and neck, landing on her shoulder. Its touch drew goose flesh in its wake, causing her to whimper.

She opened her eyes finally, staring at the ground as she tried to calm herself. Okay. She didn't really understand what it was saying but there was no way she could deny it. Fine, she'd stay here and 'heal'.. Then she'd go back. She had to go back. She had to get home. But.. was she ready for what awaited her? What if he was still there? She'd have to find a new place to squat if he was still there, especially if he wanted to fight again. Rosa looked down at the cloth around her thigh. She doubted she'd survive another fight with him. He was way stronger than her.

No more questions, Rosa. You must heal, you are too weak right now. It spoke, standing up to its full height. It stood there for a few moments, before disappearing with the wind. Rosa was left with the remnants of its static before that left too and she knew she was truly alone.

She fell to her back, landing on the soft green grass. She stared up at the clear blue sky, thoughts bouncing in her mind. She was tired. Too tired to keep fighting. Her stomach grumbled in hunger, she felt weak, dizzy. Rosa knew she wouldn't survive in the woods for much longer. But she also knew there was no way in hell she was going to find her way out of here by herself. if it could teleport, burst her ear drums, heal her wounds, and talk to her telepathically, she didn't doubt that it could do much worse if she disobeyed. Rosa also believed it would keep her alive. It told her to heal. It wasn't stupid to believe she could survive without any sustenance. It would feed her, right? It would provide for her until she was strong enough to go back to the town. Then.. She really didn't know what it wanted to do after that. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

𝖁𐊊օ𝙤ꓒ𝙮 Ꮥm𝗂│𝒆 (Jeff the Killer x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now