Chapter Nine

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I am Verlockan by birth.

Everyone knows that if you are born in Verlockend, you are cursed. Even the few who have somehow migrated to Grandarbre keep those nasty boils forever. Basically, if you have even a portion of Verlockan descent in you, you are cursed. End of story.

Yet here I am, most definitely not cursed. Something must have gone very wrong for me to have this anomaly I am forced to hide. I'm sure many would give their left arm to have an uncursed face like mine, but I don't want it. Even if you have something beautiful and special, being the only one who has it makes it hard to be appreciative. I don't feel beautiful, I don't feel unique; I just feel like a freak.

I utter a quick thank you to Ebony and excuse myself, desperate to get away from that letter and the dark truth it contains. I don't even turn around to see her reaction to my rude exit, because at this point I don't have much time before a complete breakdown starts.

Somehow I make it back to the bakery, even though the walk back is a complete blur. I stumble up to my room, ignoring Kendry's concerned questions. I yank my mask off and stare at my reflection in the mirror, feeling contempt for every single part of my face. If I was cursed like the rest of Verlockend, this whole situation would be so much simpler. I'd be just like everyone else, living my normal, ordinary life as the girl who never gets noticed – just the way I like it.

I lock the door and sob into a pillow, feeling so incredibly alone. I wish I could go to my parents for advice, but then they'd find out about the whole investigation I'm doing with Jac. Kendry wouldn't know what to say. Jac and Wren can't know about my face.


A pang of guilt shoots through me when I realize that I haven't checked up on her in weeks. I've been so focused on finding my mother, that she hasn't even crossed my mind. Yet she's struggling just as much as I am, what with her grandmother being sent off. I should have been there for her.

Is it even right for me to feel so angry about my face? Even though I may be different from everyone, at least it means I don't have to deal with the curse's repercussions. Wren's grandmother was sent off to who-knows-where and is most likely dealing with awful side effects. Should I be grateful for my unique situation?

A storm of feelings swirl around in my mind, tugging me in several directions. Self-pity and loneliness on one side, self-hate and guilt on the other. I wish there was some side of me that felt joy, but unfortunately that can't be found at the moment.

Something hits my window, distracting me and lulling the storm of my brain for just a moment. Eager for something else to put my focus on, I pull a mask on and pull the window open.

"You're late!" Jac calls up, throwing up another rock. It narrowly dodges my head, and I scowl down at him.

I completely forgot about meeting tonight. Though I don't want to be alone, learning more about my strange past is the last thing I want to do right now. Me and Jac's relationship seems to be purely for research, so I guess saying no means sacrificing time with him. But that's a risk I'm willing to take.

"I can't do it tonight, Jac. I'm sorry," I admit, turning back into my room to isolate myself again.


I turn back, surprised to see him reach for the wall and start scaling it. It can't be a hard climb due to the matted, overgrown vines that Father keeps neglecting to take care of. Nevertheless, it's still not what I was expecting.

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