Chapter 19 - The discovery

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~Felix POV~

It's been a few weeks since my mothers death, and since I developed my powers, turns out i'm a full demon. Dad said he said that last week, and he never taught me once.

It's the second week of january, another normal boring thursday. I miss my mom already, my aunt is moving away, I had recived a meter from her yesterday.

My uncles give me lessons every weekend to help me learn to control my powers, they would even stay over to visit my dad, who rarely comes out of his room.

I had decided that today I was going to visit my aunt, I didn't want her to leave, but I know I can't stop her, it's her decisión after all.

I sighed, writing down notes as the teacher explained the subject. I didn't care much anymore, I just wanted to get out of this place.

"Felix? What is y=3x+6²?", The teacher asked, bringing me back yo reality.

"Huh!? Um..."


"Alright class, don't forget to turn in your homework tomorrow?", The teacher said.

I quickly grabbed my back, putting everything away and running out of class, down the hall, and out of school.

Once outside I took a deep breath, ready to head over to my aunts place, my plan was to try to stop her from moving away. I had realized that ever since my mothers death, everyone had slowly started drifting apart.

I wanted to get to her place quickly so I decided to take a short cut through the woods, which I quickly regretted.

I was lost now, the tall trees moved side to side, which was caused by the wind. It was getting cold and a bit windy, the place felt...unwelcoming.

I continued to walk when something caught my eye, there was a tree that looked a bit...wierd?

I walk towards it, knocking on it and realizing that its made of metal? I checked around it, opening a small little door. Inside was a blue journal with a silver Pinetree on it, it seemed very familiar for some reason.

Next to the journal was a small control panel, I moved the levers and pushed the buttons, thinking it would do something.



I turned around, noticing that there was a small opening on the ground now. I quickly grabbed the blue journal and made my way towards it, noticing three red dusty journals.

Before I could inspect them closely, something in the bushes moved. I quickly grabbed the three journals and shoved them in my backpack, hearing a branch snap when We was done.

"Who's there!?", I ask.

"Felix? What are you-? Oh...", My aunt said, coming out from one of the bushes.

"Hi auntie, w-whats this place?", I ask.

"This is where you mother found something, and they became passionate about it, its how he kind of uh...met your dad?", She tried to explain.

"Let's go somewhere else, I...this place brings back memories", she says.

"Oh right! I'll teleport us", I say, grabbing her wrist gently.

With a snap of my fingers, we were now infront of the Mystery Shack.

" your letter auntie, why are you moving away?", I ask.

"This place brings back many memorys, and I want to start somewhere else, I...i'm trying to move on", she replied.

"Where are you moving to?", I ask.

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