Chapter Five - Nightmare

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"Killer, he came bringing news about the Star Sanses," I said, knowing there was some way to stop a fight from happening between him and Error.

Dust, not caring, asks, "So, what is he now? Like a double agent?" Dust's grin shows that he only means to poke fun.

"What's this news?" Killer asks, ignoring Dust's comment like everyone else. I answer, "The Stars turned. Apparently, Ink wants to abandon their good ways and destroy everything in their path to get what they want." "Which is?" asks Dust. I look his way, dropping the bomb, "Us dead."

They all share disbelief glances. "And all this came from Error?" Killer asked. I stop Killer's future accusations against Error by saying, "I have reason to believe that Swap Sans murdered his brother, which explains why I suddenly felt strong negativity there. Error was forced to only be a messenger from Ink about Swap, until Ink made him fear for his life after he found out about his plan."

Killer stayed quiet. Horror looked like he was just waiting for someone to say something else. Which someone did; that someone being Dust.

"Eh. I'll believe it when I see it."

"That might be too late to believe it," Error finally said.

"They never wanted to kill us, so why would they start now?" Dust asked Error.

I rub my temple. This is starting to turn into a debate. The thing that gives me the worst headaches.

"Because I watched Dream turn into another version of Nightmare," Error retorted back. They all blinked in surprise, and looked at me in unison, worriedly. Killer asked, "Is that true?"

I stayed quiet. If I say I didn't see it for myself, it'll just be another reason for them to not believe Error.

Out of nowhere, I feel a presence. Something none of us are aware of. I'm only aware because I have the power to know when someone is in my castle. I sense it down the corridor to my left.

As far as they know, I suddenly stare down the corridor. "Nightmare?" I hear Killer try to get my attention. There's no way I'm taking my eyes off this corridor until I'm sure no one is there.

An eerie giggle is heard. It came from the corridor I'm staring at.

One by one, the other Sanses become alert to the sound. "What in the hell was that?" Dust asked, clearly disturbed. I whisper, "There's someone there." "Shit, who's checking?" Dust asks. Error answers, "I'll do it." "No," I say, putting my hand in front of his chest. "Let me."

The giggle came again, sounding a bit more amused that we've noticed it. I look down the corridor once it has announced its presence to us again.

I prepare myself, beginning to walk down the corridor.

I tiptoe down the corridor for a while and nothing has happened. Once I get closer to the corner to turn, the giggle alerts me that I'm going in the right direction.

Not too long after I turn, the giggle is right on top of me. I stop. Something black rises up from the floor. I back away in time to dodge an attack. What I see completely shocks me to my core.

Dream appears before me, with a grin like Horror's, covered in black goop identical to mine, and tentacles too. Can that really be Dream? Who else would wear the exact same crown?

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