Vanessa: Bali

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As we boarded the private jet to Bali, I couldn't help but feel excited and grateful to be surrounded by my family and closest friends. I sat down next to Matteo and held his hand tightly, feeling his warm presence and comfort.

Valentina and Antonio sat across from us, giggling and stealing kisses every now and then. Nirah and Marcello were cuddled up next to each other, and Vincenzo, Sofia, and Luca were all fast asleep, with Roman and Lorenzo trying to sneakily draw on Vincenzo's face with a marker.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, watching as Roman and Lorenzo tried their best not to wake him up. Eventually, they gave up and settled for drawing on each other's faces instead, causing everyone around them to burst out laughing.

Vincenzo wakes up and threw a cushion at them both. "You guys still act like your Luca's age."

As the flight progressed, we all chatted and caught up on each other's lives. Dominic shared stories from his recent travels, Giovanni updated us on his latest business venture, and Sofia talked about her upcoming art exhibition.

Before we knew it, we had landed in Bali and were greeted by the warm sun and fresh air. We all piled into a couple of vans and made our way to the resort where the wedding would take place.

The next few days were a blur of wedding preparations, beach trips, and delicious food. Valentina and I spent hours trying on different dresses, finally settling on the perfect ones for the big day. Matteo, on the other hand, spent most of his time with the boys, discussing the wedding details and taking in the beautiful scenery.

One evening, after a long day of wedding planning, we all gathered on the balcony of our villa, sipping on cocktails and watching the sunset. Valentina and Antonio were cuddled up in a corner, lost in their own world, while Nirah and Marcello danced to the music playing in the background.

Matteo wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close as we watched the sun disappear below the horizon. "I can't wait to marry you," he whispered in my ear, causing my heart to flutter.

"I can't wait to marry you too," I replied, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me.

As the night went on, we all laughed and danced under the stars, grateful for the time we had together. I knew this trip would be one to remember forever, a time where we all came together to celebrate love and family.

We sat at a cozy corner of a restaurant in Bali, just the Hernandez siblings, enjoying each other's company. It was our way of taking a break from all the wedding preparations and catching up on old times.

I looked around the table, feeling grateful for the people around me. We had all come so far since our parents died, and it felt like we had been through so much together.

"So, can you guys believe we're all here in Bali for my wedding?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Everyone laughed, and Vincenzo replied, "I still can't believe you're getting married. It feels like yesterday when you were still in diapers."

"Hey, I'm a grown woman now," I replied with a grin.

"Grown or not, you'll always be my little sister," he said, patting my hand.

We all laughed again, and the conversation turned to our individual journeys. Giovanni talked about his successful restaurant, and Valentina mentioned how her fashion line had taken off in the last year. Marcello shared some funny stories from his travels, and Lorenzo talked about his plans to expand his business.

As we talked and laughed, I felt a deep sense of connection with my siblings. We had all faced our own challenges and made it through, but we had done it together. There was a sense of unbreakable bond between us.

"Remember when we used to sneak out of the house at night and go to the park?" Dominic chimed in, grinning.

"Oh my God, yes!" I exclaimed. "We used to think we were so rebellious."

"And then Vincenzo would catch us, and we'd all get grounded," Valentina added with a laugh.

As the night went on, we reminisced about old times and made new memories. It was a simple moment, but it was full of love, laughter, and joy. I felt incredibly lucky to have these people in my life, and I knew that no matter where our journeys took us next, we would always have each other's backs.

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