Whisper of Joy

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Valentina woke up with a queasy feeling that seemed to settle deep within her stomach. She shifted uncomfortably, hoping the sensation would pass, but it only intensified. She gently extricated herself from Ace's embrace and tiptoed out of bed, her hand pressed to her mouth.

The bathroom felt like a refuge as Valentina hurriedly reached for the sink. After a few minutes, she managed to compose herself, rinsing her mouth and splashing water on her face. The waves of nausea subsided, leaving her drained and tired.

As she emerged from the bathroom, Valentina found Ace awake and concerned, his eyes searching her face. "Val, are you okay?"

She offered him a faint smile, trying to brush off her discomfort. "Yeah, just a little sick. Maybe something I ate last night."

Ace's brow furrowed with worry. "Do you need anything? Should I get you some water?"

Valentina shook her head, appreciating his concern. "No, I'll be fine. Maybe I just need to rest a bit more."

He nodded, his gaze still focused on her. "Alright, let me know if you need anything."

Valentina returned to bed as Ace disappeared into the kitchen. She felt a mix of emotions swirling within her – the unexpected sickness, the concern of her husband, and a growing suspicion that she couldn't ignore. Before she could talk herself out of it, Valentina retrieved a pregnancy test from a drawer and went into the bathroom once more.

As the minutes ticked by, her heart raced, and her palms grew sweaty. When the result appeared, it was as if her world shifted on its axis. A positive sign. A tiny plus sign that held the promise of something life-changing.

Tears pricked at the corners of Valentina's eyes as she realized the implications of what she was seeing. She was going to be a mother, and Ace a father. It was a beautiful and overwhelming thought.

Her phone felt heavy in her trembling hands as she dialed Vanessa's number. The familiar voice of her sister filled her ear, and Valentina took a deep breath before speaking.

"Vanessa," she began, her voice shaky, "I took a pregnancy test, and it's positive."

There was a brief silence on the other end before Vanessa's excited voice erupted through the phone. "Valentina, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"

Valentina's tears flowed freely now, a mixture of joy and uncertainty. "Thank you, Vanessa. But I haven't told Ace yet. I don't know how he'll react."

Vanessa's soothing words drifted through the phone. "Val, he loves you. And he'll be over the moon. Just take your time and tell him when you're ready."

As the call ended, Valentina wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. She knew Vanessa was right – Ace loved her deeply, and they had always faced challenges together. This was just another journey they would embark on as a team.

She walked out of the bathroom, finding Ace setting a tray of breakfast on the bed. His eyes met hers, concern still evident in his gaze. "How are you feeling now?"

Valentina smiled, a mix of emotions welling up within her. She approached him, cupping his face in her hands. "Ace, I have something to tell you. Something wonderful."

His brows furrowed with curiosity, and he held her hands gently. "Valentina, what is it?"

She took a deep breath, deciding to wait a little longer before sharing the news. "It's nothing, just that I'm feeling better now. Thank you for taking care of me."

Ace's expression softened with relief, and he leaned in to press a tender kiss to her forehead. "Of course, Val. I'll always take care of you."

Valentina held his gaze, her heart full of gratitude and love. In that moment, she knew that when the time was right, she would share the incredible news with him. But for now, she wanted to savor this moment, knowing that their future was about to change in the most beautiful way.

A few weeks later

Valentina woke up feeling a sense of unease that had been growing over the past few days. She glanced over at Ace, who was already up and getting dressed for the day. He seemed distant lately, preoccupied with work and other things. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off between them.

As they sat down for breakfast, Valentina tried to engage in light conversation, but Ace's responses were short and distracted. He apologized for his behavior, attributing it to the busy schedule he had been dealing with at his company. Valentina nodded, but her concern continued to grow.

The days turned into a week, and Valentina couldn't ignore the emotional gap that had developed between them. She longed for the connection they once had – the laughter, the teasing, the shared dreams. She missed the intimacy they shared, and the idea of losing it was frightening.

One evening, Valentina sat by the window, watching the sun set over the horizon. Ace was in his study, immersed in his work. She knew she needed to talk to him about what she was feeling, but the fear of his reaction held her back.

As the days went on, Valentina's anxiety only grew stronger. She felt like a wall was building up between them, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing the love they had. She began to doubt herself, wondering if she had done something wrong, if she was inadequate in some way.

One night, unable to sleep, Valentina found herself in their living room, staring at a photo of her and Ace on their wedding day. She remembered the happiness, the promises they had made to each other. She realized that keeping her fears and concerns bottled up wasn't helping either of them.

Taking a deep breath, Valentina walked into Ace's study, finding him engrossed in his work. She hesitated for a moment, then cleared her throat to get his attention. Ace looked up, his eyes softening as he saw her.

"Hey," she began, her voice shaky. "We need to talk."

Ace set aside his work, giving her his full attention. "Val, what's going on? Is everything okay?"

Valentina took another deep breath, trying to push aside her fear. "I've noticed that things have been different between us lately. You seem distant, and I can't help but feel like I've done something wrong."

Ace's eyes widened in surprise, and he reached out to take her hand. "Valentina, no. It's not you. I'm sorry if I've made you feel that way. It's just work – it's been demanding a lot of my time lately."

Valentina nodded, her gaze locked with his. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, then continued, "Ace, I miss us. I miss how close we used to be, how we could talk about anything."

Ace's expression softened, and he pulled her into a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry, Val. You're right. I've been so caught up in work that I've let everything else slide. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Valentina felt a sense of relief wash over her as Ace held her close. She realized that her fears had been exaggerated by her own anxieties. In that moment, she knew that they were in this together, and no matter what challenges they faced, they could overcome them as a team.

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