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The day of the wedding was draped in a sense of excitement and anticipation, and the Hernandez siblings bustled around their home, preparing for the event. In the midst of the controlled chaos, one particular brother seemed to be marching to the beat of his own drum.

Dominic, the perpetual procrastinator, lingered in the shower, seemingly oblivious to the ticking clock and the collective readiness of his siblings. Valentina, playing the responsible elder sister, couldn't ignore his tardiness. She rapped on his bathroom door.

"Dominic, are you planning to make an entrance or what?" Valentina called, her tone a mix of amusement and exasperation.

"I'll be out in a sec!" came Dominic's muffled reply from behind the door.

Valentina rolled her eyes, then headed downstairs to join the rest of her siblings. Everyone was nearly ready. Vanessa, elegant in her dress, exchanged knowing glances with Valentina. It seemed Dominic's timeless habit of being fashionably late was at play once again.

Just as Valentina was about to inquire about Dominic's status, the man himself ambled into the room, a towel slung over his shoulder.

"Am I too late for the party?" he quipped, flashing a charming grin.

"Only fashionably," Roman retorted, earning a chuckle from the others.

Valentina, always the organizer, took charge. "Dominic, you're pushing it. And where's your tie?"

"On the kitchen table, I think," he replied with a nonchalant shrug.

Valentina sighed, her patience wearing thin. "Come with me. We need to fix that."

In the kitchen, amidst scattered ties and a few hastily abandoned breakfast dishes, Valentina located Dominic's tie. She gestured for him to stand still as she expertly fashioned it around his neck.

"Now, remember," Valentina said, her tone serious, "we're representing the family. So, everyone needs to be on their best behaviour. Roman, that includes you."

Roman raised his hands in mock surrender. "Why does everyone assume I'm the troublemaker?"


The Hernandez siblings arrived at the wedding venue just in the nick of time, a testament to their ability to navigate the delicate dance of family preparations. As they stepped into the vibrant atmosphere, they were greeted by familiar faces — friends who had become family over the years.

"Look who decided to show up," Nirah teased, casting a playful glance at Marcello, who offered a sheepish grin in return.

Valentina's close-knit group of friends, including Nirah, Lilah, Omar, Caesar, and Jordan, gathered around the siblings. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they exchanged greetings and shared anecdotes about their lives since they last met.

Antonio, the unexpected element in this familial equation, stood at a distance, eyeing Valentina as she engaged in the lively banter. As their eyes locked, he couldn't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty.

Valentina excused herself from the group and made her way toward Antonio, the air heavy with unspoken history. Giovanni and Roman, standing a few feet away, exchanged a glance, silently agreeing to keep a watchful eye on their sister.

"Valentina," Antonio greeted, a tentative smile on his face.

"Antonio," she replied, her tone neutral. "How have you been?"

He shrugged, a subtle admission of life's complexities. "Surviving. And you?"

"Thriving," she said with a confidence that hadn't been there before.

As they strolled away from the lively gathering, Giovanni leaned over to Roman, watching the interaction unfold. "You think they'll be okay?"

Roman sighed, the weight of concern evident in his eyes. "I fucking hope so. Antonio's history with Valentina isn't exactly a fairy tale."

Omar, having overheard the conversation, joined them. "You guys worry too much. If they make each other happy, what's the problem?"

Giovanni chuckled, "We just want Valentina to be happy."

Lilah smirked, "And that's a crime because?"

"It's not," Roman admitted, "but when it comes to Valentina, we're protective. We've seen her hurt before."

Just then, Antonio and Valentina returned, their conversation seemingly amicable. The friends exchanged glances, and Lilah couldn't resist a quip, "So, what's the verdict? Is Antonio back in the good graces of the Hernandez empire?"

Valentina rolled her eyes at Lilah's theatrics. "We're just talking, Lilah. Relax."

Roman stepped in, "We just want what's best for her."

Caesar added, "And what if Antonio is what's best for her?"

Giovanni's gaze lingered on his sister. "Then, I guess, we'll have to accept that."

The rhythmic beats of the music invited Valentina and her girlfriends to the dance floor. Vanessa, Lilah, Nirah, and Valentina moved gracefully, losing themselves in the music. The crowd around them pulsed with energy, a vibrant sea of people enjoying the celebration.

Marcello, stationed on the sidelines with the rest of the brothers, couldn't help but steal glances at Nirah. Her infectious smile and the way she moved to the music had an undeniable allure. His attention, however, didn't go unnoticed by the observant Giovanni.

"You're not fooling anyone, Marcello. Just ask her to dance," Giovanni nudged him.

Marcello shot his brother a dismissive look, but the subtle blush on his cheeks betrayed his true feelings. Giovanni grinned, enjoying his brother's uncharacteristic bashfulness.

Meanwhile, on the dance floor, Antonio couldn't resist the urge to intervene. He made his way through the crowd, his eyes fixed on Valentina. As he reached her, he tapped her on the shoulder, halting the dance.

"Valentina, can we talk?" Antonio asked, his tone a mix of earnestness and tension.

The Hernandez brothers, always attuned to their sister's well-being, immediately closed in. Giovanni and Roman stood on either side of Valentina, their protective instincts in full force.

Valentina sighed, recognizing the brewing storm. "Antonio, we can talk, but not like this. This is a celebration, not a battleground."

Antonio's eyes flickered between Valentina and her imposing brothers. Before he could say anything, Giovanni took a step forward, his expression stern. "If this isn't important, maybe it can wait."

Marcello and the others mirrored Giovanni's stance, ready to shield Valentina from any potential harm.

Valentina, however, stepped between her brothers and Antonio, diffusing the tension. "Guys, it's fine. Antonio just wants to talk."

Giovanni and Roman exchanged a hesitant glance but acquiesced, giving Antonio a warning look before dispersing back into the crowd.

As Valentina and Antonio moved to a quieter corner, she crossed her arms, awaiting his explanation.

"What's the problem, Antonio? I'm just dancing. It's not like I'm on a date," Valentina stated, her tone both firm and questioning.

Antonio sighed, realizing the futility of his concerns. "I just... I didn't expect to see you dancing so freely with other guys."

Valentina raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "And why should that bother you? We're not together. You made that pretty clear."

Antonio struggled to find the right words, his frustration evident. "I just thought... maybe we could explore what we once had."

Valentina shook her head, dismissing the notion. "Antonio, that ship sailed a long time ago. Let's not complicate things. Enjoy the wedding."

With that, Valentina rejoined her friends on the dance floor, leaving Antonio to grapple with the realization that some chapters are better left in the past.

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