The End.

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August 11th, 2019

And there it is.

The realization that moments ago, that was our last kiss

That was our last time

Our last handholding

Our last outing

Our last text

Our last ounce of love we had for each other.

Those were our last's

"We aren't meant to be."

It's the first time I hear you say this

And the words echo unbearably inside my head

Suddenly I start to think that this will be the last time I ever see you

Because there's no way I'm staying in a place where I can run into you everyday

I can't go anywhere that doesn't remind me that I was here with you

I can't accept that I would have to look at you without kissing you or touching you

Or that I will have to let go of whatever dream or desire I had of you being my future

But there is no future

There's only now.

There's only you and me as you tell me, "it started out beautifully but I don't know exactly when this became toxic."

And I sit there and beg and refuse for my life to be again how it was before I met you

Except this time I wouldn't daydream about a stranger with a faceless face

This time I'd know who you are

What you look like

I'd know your name

I'd know you'd be out there

Without me.

Thinking I could be letting go of the one

Thinking there's no way I wanna go home and know for certain that you are not mine

But at the same time I think... it was foolish to ever think you'd been mine at all..

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