Yeonjun {fear of accidents}

698 17 2

Request by- @jjuny96

Lights flashed, glass broke, alarms blew and the van tipped upside down. He shouted and screamed but no one was there, everyone had disappeared. The car was covered in blood and there was broken glass everywhere from the Windows, Yeonjun's hands were covered in scars and he had bruises all over his body. Yeonjun immediately sat up in his bed. He was sweating and tried catching his breath.
"Oh my gosh that was the worst dream ever" he said out loud to himself.

Yeonjun checked the time which was 3:38am.
"It's really early but I don't think I'll be able to sleep" Yeonjun thought
He decided to get up and take a shower. He changed into some fresh clothes and left the dorms. Yeonjun decided to go to the gas station to buy some ice cream so he stepped foot on the pavement and started walking. Suddenly a car came nearby and took a dangerous turn which screeched on the road.

Yeonjun flinched as the car came nearer and he fell to the floor. The car drove away and he put his hand on his chest, his heart was pounding.
"That was close, too close,maybe I should just go home." Yeonjun thought as he stood up and walked the opposite direction back to the dorms.
He flinched with every car that came close by, what was happening to him? Walking across a street was petrifying to him. He spent 6 minutes encouraging himself to be brave and just cross the street but was afraid of a car coming by and......

"Oh come on stupid Yeonjun, why are you scared of having a car accident? It's not gonna happen you dumb scaredycat" he said as he got the guts to start crossing.
A car came but stopped so he could cross but he was frozen at the sight of the car. Fortunately it was his manager.
"Yeonjunssi, are you gonna cross? And what are you doing here so early?" the manager said as he rolled down his window.
Yeonjun quickly got off the road and stood at the side with his hands on his pocket.
"J-Just getting some ice cream manager Nim" he stuttered

"You want a ride back?" The manager asked
The thought of getting in a car haunted Yeonjun so he politely shook his head.
"You sure?"
"Yes manager Nim, I'm sure" Yeonjun said as he started walking
"See you" he added
The manager waved and continued driving.

Timeskip ~ all members wake up

Everyone was having breakfast and was discussing their schedule
"We have a teaser that we need to get filmed for our upcoming MV today" Soobin reminded
"The van should be here soon" Taehyun added
Yeonjun was struck with that and dropped his fork on his plate.
"Ah yes the v-v-van" he mumbled
They finished up their breakfast and went outside where the van was waiting for them.
"Uhh do we uh have to go...." Yeonjun asked
"What do you mean hyung, of course we do" Soobin chuckled

"I think.... I think I'm not well can we stay home?" Yeonjun asked, feeling his body tense up.
"Is there something wrong?" Beomgyu asked
"I-I" Yeonjun just broke down into tears.
The members were confused for why the oldest just simply broke down.
Hueningkai side hugged Yeonjun and Soobin pat his head.
"I just really don't want something bad to happen" Yeonjun choked.
"What do you mean hyung?" Taehyun asked
"Well What if something goes wrong? What if we have a car accident and someone gets injured? What if we have to disband because of the accident? " Yeonjun said, almost rapping

Yeonjun then told them everything that had happened.
"Aww hyung... Don't worry, I promise you that everything will be fine. Just don't worry" Hueningkai cooed.
"Yeah hyung... We're all here" Soobin added.
Yeonjun gained some confidence and got into the car. He was paranoid the whol time but felt better when they reached the place.

It always seems impossible until it's done so..... GET IT DONE

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