Chapter 10 tired

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Me and Uni had just gotten back from therapy. It was weird and I didn't like talking. I forcefully made my voice quieter than what it was so that way they couldn't hear me. Why do people like this? It was just rambling to a random person in a different au since there's no therapist in the W.O.T.N. They called me crazy and tried to tell me to visit a psychiatrist because they thought Uni was a hallucination. I tried to use Uni's goop substance but they just thought it was slime! Fucking slime! I only told them about my masochistic personality disorder, since that's the only thing I openly tell people when they ask. When I was asked about medication I said I took it. (I do not, I can't eat pills without throwing up)

Now I was sitting on my bed while Uni had his haiko ni saiko around my waist. I don't think he trusts me now that he knows of my personality disorder. Why? You might ask. Because 1, I will not hesitate to hurt myself if others don't hurt me, and 2 he knows damn well I don't take medication, or even have it to begin with. Back at home I would just flush one down the toilet every day if I didn't feel like throwing up, I eventually ran out but no one noticed. Honestly I think they forgot about it.

I was drawing eyes. Not realistic, or practice eyes but the kind that you would see in horror animatics. They where unsettling, but interesting at the same time. I liked eyes. The way that you could stylize them in so many different ways, and show so much emotion! My inner artist would go crazy when asked a simple question about eyes even if it was just, "what's your favorite eye color?" Add a horror style to eyes and I would be the happiest artist in the multiverse.

Uni was fidgeting with his doll half his body under the bed. I wanted to look closer but Uni wouldn't let me get up from the bed without pulling me back down into the blankets. It hurt a little but I liked the sensation that came with it. It made me shiver a little but in a good way, I don't really know how to explain it. Eventually I just forgot about what I was originally doing and just wanted Uni to get annoyed and slam me into the wall. 

Uni eventually got annoyed and looked like he was going to slam me into the wall, which is what I want, but he stopped. He noticed that I was crying. Remembering how I wouldn't stop when I'm hurt, but instead will do everything in my power to get hurt more. He plopped me on the bed and pulled the covers over me. He used two of his haiko ni saikos to keep me in bed and the other to cover my eyes.

"Sleep." I heard Uni's soft yet harsh voice say. "But" I tried to protest but was cut off by Uni saying, "no buts, you need to sleep." I let out a soft grunt to show my anger. I felt calmer and then I'm back in the place I almost forgot about.

It was the void that I would spend most of my weekend and nights in. I saw the familiar eyes and ran up to them. "Nensu, vius!" (Mr. Voice/Teacher voice, nensu basically means older person you respect so whichever you prefer.) "lastu, koko." (Moon, hello. Lastu means Moon, my translator just auto translates it, but I don't really mind.) Nensu, voice said in his usual calm and weirdly clear voice. "Meh, nande?" (Hey where were you?) "ne nande nayo fastu." (I was with my new family) "a no suato?" (And you didn't sleep?) I looked kinda nervous not really knowing how to explain it. 

N/A: I am getting tired of coming up with words for a made up language that doesn't have a confirmed pronunciation so *(insert text)* means that's it's in Sokime, sorry about the interruption.

*They are really into training so I guess I kinda forgot.* I said chuckling a little in between. Mr. Voice looked at me like I was a crazy person. I guess I kinda am since I sometimes hallucinate that he's watching me sleep sometimes, but he shall never know that. *You still need sleep.* Mr. Voice told me. I looked at him kinda guilty for not visiting him more often. 

I looked up at his smile, he looked a good 2 feet taller than me. Since I'm like 2 feet tall he would be about 4 feet tall. I wanted to apologize in a way that would be obvious that I meant it so I decided to risk falling and hugged him. I reached my hands out, half expecting to fall, but when I opened my eyes Mr. Voice stuck in my bear hug. He felt oddly cold but I didn't mind. I felt bones some with a lot of cracks that you would be able to feel even through his clothes. And he was definitely another skeleton which was not expected.

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