Chapter 17

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July 1887

The sound of bright laughter made Loretta's eyes widen, and she was suddenly aware that she was standing in the atrium of the Lodge; the grand piano was playing a celebratory tune, and all around her there were people dressed in fine clothing, but none of which she recognized. In her hand was a glass of sparkling wine, and she was dressed in a long maroon dress; a beautiful piece of draped fabric, with rhinestones fixed into the collar, and sleeves that belled out at the elbows with lace that mimicked roses... the most expensive one she owned. She focused her eyes around her, and noticed her father had a cigar tucked in his mouth, talking loudly with another man. Wilhelmine standing right beside him, her arm interlaced with his. Behind her was Edmund Colter, for whatever reason he had stayed with them, and an overflowing plate of food in his hand as he sat in one of their parlor chairs. Beau, Irma, Bridger, and Bridger's wife, who Loretta had not met, were surrounding the piano as Bridger's wife continued to play loudly. It was nighttime, and the windows were open, letting the warm summer air inside. Loretta quickly walked to the powder room, setting her glass on a side table.

Once inside, she gripped the porcelain wash basin, the sparkling wine came back up along with food she didn't remember eating. Tears spilt from her eyes, and she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked incredibly gorgeous, which caught her by surprise; her hair was loosely pinned up, a long braid cascading down her back covered in glittering pins and clips, and she had her finest jewelry adorning her neck and ears. But a new piece of jewelry shone on her finger... a large diamond set in a golden band. She felt a jolt go through her, almost like lightning. Her hands started to tremble, and her knees buckled below her, falling to the floor of the powder room. What? I cannot remember this...

She rested her head on her knees and took deep breaths in, trying to calm her racing heart and hyperventilation. She could barely remember where she had been before this... but it had something to do with Warren. Again the butterflies filled her chest and she choked out a sob; it was both of relief and frustration. Relief that it had been with someone she knew, and frustration that she did not remember it. The ring sparkled in the lowlight of the powder room, little rainbows glinting in her eyes, as she stared at it completely dazzled. This meant Warren loved her... despite her abnormal gifts. Someone loved her. She could hardly believe it. Warren loved her enough to marry her, no matter who she was inside. But she shuddered internally, not allowing herself to be happy. Still, she was relieved to know that he was appraised in her family's eyes, which meant a great deal to her. She wouldn't be alone anymore; she'd have someone by her side... always. Warren was extremely handsome, clever and eloquent in his words, a man of strong stature and position; any woman would be lucky to have him call on her. And he had chosen her, of all people. She let a smile escape her lips, feeling a bubble of excitement rise in her chest.

Loretta stood up, careful of her dress, and checked herself in the mirror. Despite her eyes being a tinge red, she looked fine... at least she hoped. She admired the ring once more in the light of the bathroom and her smile turned into a laugh. Good heavens, it was a large diamond; something she had never seen except on the necklace of the governor's wife back in Massachusetts. It made her feel worth something, like she mattered to someone in the world... and she would let nothing stop her from feeling that. Finally.

Almost at the exact moment she exited the powder room, Warren was there, waiting for her. Startled at his sudden shadow in the hallway, she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Oh dear me, I'm so sorry Warren. You gave me a fright." She laughed lightly and started towards him. He grinned at her, his full lips showing his perfect teeth.

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