Chapter 23

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"So, what do you think of Hemlock's friend, I think his name is Nox?" Brigid asked, sheepishly

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"So, what do you think of Hemlock's friend, I think his name is Nox?" Brigid asked, sheepishly. Ange side glanced at her as they trudged downhill towards the main part of Howling. Its looming shadow was sprawled out, sharpened by the moon's light. She had been quiet on their walk to the saloon, her eyes unfocused and distant. Ange wanted to grab for her hand but every time he did, her fingers always pulled away.

"I don't trust him; he seems a bit sketchy." Ange said blatantly. "He gives me the creeps. Did you see his fucking eyes? They were pits, like the devil." He was good at seeing people's auras, especially people's colors. Nox's was dark, he produced a color that Ange didn't recognize, and it radiated off of him like spider webs.

"You believe in the devil?" Brigid inquired, a snide smile escaped her lips, as if she was laughing at an inside joke. She fumbled with her hands, not knowing what to do with them. She kept glancing down at her palm, the one Nox had grabbed.

"I've never seen him. But I'm sure he'd look similar." Ange laughed hollowly, as they came to the front of the saloon. The large wooden French doors had a chain wrapped around its latch, and Ange saw Brigid pull out a long skeleton key from her blue jeans. The door to the saloon opened stiffly at first, swollen from the recent moisture they had gotten from snow. Inside, shadows seemed to scatter as moonlight spewed in from the doorframe.

"I think they've been expecting us," Brigid's voice cracked, but Ange noticed that her tone wasn't fearful. She seemed to have a ferocious fire brewing inside of her. The image of Brigid's face, as Nox gripped her wrist, made him slightly wary of her. Her face had been aglow of pure rage, but as suddenly as it had appeared, it vanished on her face in an instant.

Ange lightly kicked the door aside with his brown cowboy boot; frustrated that he couldn't read her better. She fumbled with the light-switch but when nothing happened, Brigid quickly slipped inside the saloon. She was off trying to find the generator with her flashlight. He hesitated outside the door, studying the building's infrastructure. Ange was usually very good at figuring out girls, he thought he had gotten Brigid down to a tee. But for some reason though, back at the house, Nox's presence had stirred something inside of her that Ange hadn't seen yet. Granted, he had only known her for almost three weeks, but still, he seemed deeply connected to her already. Ange felt his heart tighten within his chest at the thought of them together, "officially" together. He wanted it more than anything.

Inside, Brigid seemed to have given up locating the generator, and had started lighting candles. Wow... that was fast, Ange thought. In almost every corner, including the small iron chandelier that hung above was alight with small flickering flames. Golden light lit the entire saloon, making it easier to see. Since it was built like a hotel, the upstairs remained shrouded in darkness. The main floor was lined perfectly on each side with tables and chairs; perfect for gambling or drinking with friends. In the back, behind the historic bar, Ange saw a hearth and a small makeshift kitchen. The stairs creaked as the whole saloon seemed to shift with the howling wind outside. Moonlight spewed in from the windows, illuminating the place with silvery light.

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