Chapter 3 - My Mother

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I arrived at my house, still helping Johnny by escorting him inside. There, I placed him on the couch. He laid himself down and passed out. I went to the kitchen and saw my mother, Lupita Hernandez, cooking dinner for her and I. I couldn't really just blur out and say; 'hey I brought an injured victim to the house'. I would have to play it safe.

"Mama, I need your help please. Someone got hurt and needs medical help quick." Well then, that played out really well.

"You better not have been wrestling and getting into fights, mijo." She told me.

My mom rushed out to the living room. She saw Johnny on the couch all bruised up. She started to examine him and see where all the major injuries that he had and started working on them. I, on the other hand, brought out a bag of ice for his head. Then I stood right next to my mom waiting to see if she needed anything.

"Is everything okay, ma?" I said.

"Si, mijo. Poor thing is badly injured. What happened?" She responded

"Well I was walking home and saw some goons beating him up. I couldn't just stand there."

"Did it have to deal with fighting?"

"Um, no it didn't."

"Don't lie to me, Mendioso."

"Okay, but ma, I was actually defending myself and rescuing him. I mean I haven't been wrestling. Obviously, I don't have my outfit and a ring under me?"

"The thing is you were fighting. You know how I feel about that. I understand you have a big heart but that doesn't mean you should start a fight with anyone."

"I didn't cause the fight. These goons caught me out in the alleyway. They had me ready. Like hell I was going to show off El Guerrero to these guys."

My mom knew who I really was. I kept telling her not to go around and tell other people. Just so my identity would be safe. But then again I think she doesn't care, only because she doesn't like the fact that I wrestle and fight. I don't care what she said. I still wrestle; however, I'm just doing it behind her back. Which I know is wrong. However I have a feeling she has been keeping it a secret. Obviously we moved to Montebello after my father had died. However I took wrestling more serious when I moved here.

"It doesn't matter, wrestling is still fighting. You putting harm on someone is not right." My mom said.

She came near me as I seen her face examining my face well. She turned my face and saw the scratch mark of the knife that the thug had on him. My mother's face went from confused to 'Super pissed off mother mode' face.

"Ho-Ho-How did you get this scratch?" She said.

"Ma, I am fine. Don't worry about it."

"How am I going to be fine when your beautiful faced has been marked? Again you didn't answer my question. How did you get this scratch?"

"Those goons. They had a knife and they were picking on this kid, his name is Johnny. Ma, I couldn't just leave him there. I was defended him."

"What were to happen if that knife missed your face and got you somewhere else? Your heart? Your head? Que, Leroy!"

"MOM! Please would you just stop! Nothing happened to me."

"BUT YOUR FACE IS SCRATCHED!!!" she screamed.

I looked away from her when she screamed at me. I don't like it when she gets mad at me. I was just doing a good thing for someone who needed help. I'll fight if I have to protect someone. Even my mom, I do not care what she says.

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