Chapter 14 - Forgive or Forget?

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     The next day I woke up late, as I woke up I laid in bed. Just...laid there. I couldn't stress about anything. However there was something that I have been thinking about. Who does Mr. Yoshira think he is for pulling a stunt like that. Like for real. What I really wanted to do was go over there and talk to him face to face. But I feel like something is holding me back. However I really want to know why he did what he did. But I feel like I shouldn't. But I really want to know. But my butt feels fine on my bed. But my butt wants to go over there. Fuck it. I got out of bed and walked out of my house and over to Mr. Yoshira's house.

     When I arrived, I banged on his door.

     "Mr. Yoshira." No answer. I banged on his door again.

     "Mr. Yoshira. Open this door." No answer. I banged the door again. Somehow it creaked opened. Yeah weird I know, but it happened.

     I walked inside the house and left the door opened. The place was destroyed. Paper all over the place. A lamp is on the couch. Glass broken all over the place.

     "What happened here?"

     I walked further into the house. I remember this one door that was always closed when I would visit. The door was wide opened. I walked in and couldn't believe what I saw. There were newspaper clipping of El Guerrero. Winnings and news updates of him. Mr. Yoshira seemed obsessed about me and my wrestling. These are questions I wanted to ask. As I entered even more, I heard noises of footsteps getting louder. I turned around slowly and see Mr. Yoshira standing in the doorway with no shirt on, but wearing slacks.

     "You!" I screamed.

     "You know what I find funny, how hard you try for a family that is broken."

     "Why, Mr. Yoshira. Why? Why would you do all that stuff? Injure my mom. Kill my dad. Why would you do it?"

     "Why? Why did I do what I have done? Let's start with your father. I loved your father as if he was my own blood. But one day he changed. His whole attitude changed. He was so rude to your mom. I even saw him hit her."

     "You liar!"

     "Truth. That's what you are here for aren't you? Your father was such a dumb ass. He backstabbed me took things that were mine. He stole from me. I believe it was something that had to do with your mother. He asked me for money. I loved your mother as well. I felt so bad for how your father treated her."

     "So you killed him to get to her?"

     "No. I never wanted to kill him. It wasn't until you came in and destroyed my family."

     "Your family? What the hell are you talking about?!"

     I ran after him and tried throwing a punch at him, but he grabbed my fist. I was trying hard to let go and hit him, but he also had my other arm grasped in his.

     "It's your fault that my son ran away."

     "You told me that your son died."

     "That was so easy. I wanted you to believe that. It was two years after that fight then that's when I met you and knew who you really were. Remember that fight where you were facing against Strident Saturn. Where you humiliated him?"

     I let go from his grasp.

     "What are you talking about? Are you telling me..."

     "Yes. Strident Saturn was is my son, Michael. And you humiliated him. He ran away from me and I never saw him again. Ever since that day, I was so upset that day. I couldn't keep it together. Weeks after that fight your father was pissing me off. It was the day after the fight I was going to give your father money. I was tired of his bullshit so I told him to lose the fight against Koala King. But instead he wanted to keep his winning streak and win the match. He disobeyed the rules for money. I didn't give it to him because he disobeyed."

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