Chapter 5 - Sign ins

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So, I walk into the gym where the sign ins are being hosted, and I get sent to a table that has people distributing clipboards that have an application form on it. Which I am guessing is the sign in for the tournament. However, there were some things that kind of weirded me out. The people who gave out the sign in sheets, we're wearing a yellow suit coat, with a black skinny tie, black slacks some white, and a white shirt underneath. Their hairdos are what made it even crazier. Some had it to where they have long hair and it was in a Mohawk. Weird if you ask me. Even the female workers had a bizarre style.

Oh well. I am not going to trip out over that at all. I made my way to a table with a worker.

"Hello there" I said.

"Well hello there, chap. How may I be of service to you?"

"Well, I am here to sign up for the upcoming tournament please."

"Are you a wrestler?"

"No, but I am a wrestler assistant for a wrestler that I want to sign up."

"Okay. Here is a clipboard. Please fill it out and it will place him or her in a spot for the tournament."

"Okay thank you sir." I said to him.

I went to a bleacher and started to fill out the form. The sign in form was really weird. It asked me the normal information, of course. Name, age, type of wrestling style, and so on. However it also asked me things like do I drink gasoline, where do worms live, and stuff like if Kelly were to cheat with her husband what could the reason be? I'm like what kind of crap is that? In order for me to continue, I had to fill everything out even if stuff was weird that I was reading. As I finished the sign in form, I got up and walked back to the worker and handed him the clipboard.

"Thank you sir, for filling this out. So we are going to have you down for your test run fight, which is going to be next Tuesday at 3pm. Is that okay with you?" Said the worker as he looked at the clipboard with a list and times on it.

"Yeah sure. Please write me down for that time." I said.

"We will see you next week then, or the wrestler that you are assisting."

"Yes thank you."

Already, I have myself down for next week? Man I feel like things are getting closer and closer to my goal. This is to help my mom out with her surgery, and now on to the fights and making my way to the top. Anyways I wasn't done yet. There is still more to come. As leave from the gym I bump into this big, buff, muscular guy. I've seen this dude before. I just can't remember where. He turned around looked at me with an evil look.

"Well, well, if it isn't Leroy Hernandez. I see you are here to sign up El Guerrero, huh?"

     "Why do I remember you?" I said to him.

"You don't remember me? I'm Davidson, the heavyweight champion. I'm still not over your little friend for what he did."

"Oh Davidson. Now I remember you. I almost didn't recognize you without your wrestling tights on." I remember him. He was a heavyweight champion. But when I was El Guerrero, I managed to take him down hard. He didn't know what he went through. I won the match fair and square.

"Now look here. I want a rematch. You hear me? I want to give it all I got."

"Well we can go at it if you want."

"No I want your little masked friend. You can't do anything."

"Watch it, Davidson. Those are some fighting words you have."

"What you think you can throw down with a Heavyweight champion?"

"I can give it a try. Knock your teeth out for all the bullshit you are telling me."   

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