She Wore Diamonds in Black

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Lady Lily had always been fascinated by the opulence of the Nobles Ballroom Dance. It was the one event of the year that she had been looking forward to, where she could indulge in her love for fashion and dance, while also networking with some of the most powerful people in the country. This year, however, would be different. She had received a special invitation from the Duke and his wife, the Dutches, and knew that this was an opportunity she couldn't miss.

As she entered the venue, she was immediately struck by the grandeur of the ballroom. It was filled with nobility, businessmen, and politicians, all dressed in their finest attire.

Lady Lily couldn't help but feel a little intimidated, but she was determined to make the most of the evening.

She introduced herself to some of the nobility, making sure to mention her business as well as her husbands military accomplishments.

Lady Lily scanned the room, searching for someone to introduce herself to. She spotted a group of nobility standing near the refreshment table, and made her way over to them.

"Good evening," she said, her voice ringing out over the chatter of the crowd. "I'm Lady Lily, and I'm thrilled to be here tonight."

The group turned to face her, eyeing her up and down. Lady Lily felt a moment of self-consciousness, but quickly pushed it aside. She was here to make connections, and she wasn't going to let anyone intimidate her.

"Ah, Lady Lily," said a tall man with a bushy mustache. "I've heard of you. You're quite the businesswoman, aren't you?"

Lady Lily smiled, feeling a sense of pride at the recognition. "Yes, I am. I run my own company, specializing in luxury goods."

The man nodded, looking impressed. "Well, well. It's not often we get a woman with such ambition at these events. You'll have to tell me more about your business sometime."

Lady Lily felt a surge of excitement. This was exactly the kind of connection she had been hoping to make. "I'd be happy to," she said. "Perhaps we could grab a drink later and chat?"

The man smiled, his eyes twinkling. "I'd like that very much."

Lady Lily turned to the others in the group, introducing herself and making sure to mention her accomplishments. They seemed genuinely interested, and Lady Lily felt a sense of satisfaction.

She was wearing a long jade blue dress that sparkled in the light, and it seemed to catch the eye of everyone she met. Lady Lily felt beautiful and confident, knowing that she was making a good impression.

As she made her way through the crowd, Lady Lily noticed a man in the corner of the room. He was tall and muscular, with a stern expression on his face. It was her security guard, Sam. Lady Lily had brought him along to ensure her safety, but she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by his presence. She didn't want anyone to think she was weak or vulnerable.

Despite her initial reservations, Lady Lily soon realized that Sam was actually a great asset. He was able to provide her with valuable information about the people she was meeting, and he even helped her navigate some of the more treacherous conversations. Lady Lily was grateful to have him by her side.

As Lady Lily made her way around the ballroom, she noticed that many of the noble men were eyeing her like a delicious fruit. They tried their luck at flirting with her and asking her to dance, but she turned them all down, some politely and some with sarcasm.

One man approached her and gave her a charming smile. "Lady Lily, you look absolutely stunning tonight. Would you care to dance?"

Lily raised an eyebrow, feeling a sense of annoyance. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I must decline," she said. "My husband is a viscount and a military general, and I wouldn't want to do anything to tarnish his reputation."

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