What It Really Means To Be Noble

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The Duke arrived at the Abme Corporation headquarters after a brief carriage ride. He was cordially greeted by the CFO, Kate, who had requested his presence to discuss the expansion of the luxury store. Kate and the Duke examined a map of the country and after some discussion, they reached a consensus to open the first franchise in the capital city of Sapphire.

As they were concluding their discussion, Kate introduced another venture that the company was planning to invest in. "My lord, I wanted to inform you that in addition to our luxury store, we are also planning to open grocery stores. One of the challenges our country faces is the difficulty in obtaining fresh fish and other products if you live inland. We have developed a method that will keep products fully refrigerated, so we will be able to offer products not locally available at an affordable rate. We intend to offer these products to both common folk and nobility, enabling everyone to have access to them. We will be able to turn a profit while also giving back to the communities and helping to build a stronger country. We are starting grocery stores in Gehen, Whelo, and Sapphire for now."

The Duke was impressed with Kate's plan to help the common folk and saw the potential for this venture to be successful. "Kate, I think this is a remarkable idea. It's crucial to provide affordable and accessible food to everyone in the country, not just the affluent. I wholeheartedly support this venture, and I'm eager to see how it will impact our communities. Please let me know how I can be of assistance."

Kate smiled, grateful for the Duke's support. "Thank you, my lord. Your unwavering support means a lot to me and to the company. We will ensure to keep you updated on our progress."

The Duke nodded and took his leave, feeling optimistic about the future of the Abme Corporation and the country at large.

A month had passed, and Abme Corporation had opened its new headquarters in Sapphire, the capital city. Additionally, the company had opened its first grocery store and second luxury store in the country of Sapphirous."

As Lady Lily and Kate continued their conversation, they heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Lady Lily called out.

The door opened, and in walked a tall, imposing figure. It was Lord Arthur, one of the most powerful nobles in the country. Lady Lily and Kate exchanged a quick glance, wondering what he wanted.

"Greetings, Lady Lily," Lord Arthur said, bowing slightly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Lady Lily forced a smile, trying to hide her apprehension. "Of course not, Lord Arthur. What brings you here today?"

"I came to discuss a matter of great importance," Lord Arthur said, looking at Kate. "I understand that you're the CFO of the Abme Corporation, is that correct?"

Kate nodded, feeling a bit uneasy. "Yes, that's correct."

Lord Arthur's eyes narrowed. "I've heard some disturbing rumors about your company, Miss Kate. Specifically, that you're planning to cater to all walks of life, including the beast people. It must be true, even your CFO is a beast person, disgusting!"

Kate hesitated, wondering how to respond. Lady Lily stepped forward, coming to her defense. "Yes, it's true. We believe that everyone, regardless of their race or background, should have access to quality goods and services. It's a fundamental principle of our company."

Lord Arthur scoffed. "That's a noble sentiment, Lady Lily, but it's also naive. The beast people are not like us. They're savages, incapable of civilized behavior. They belong in the fields, not in our stores."

Lady Lily bristled, feeling her anger rise. "That's a gross generalization, Lord Arthur. The beast people are just as intelligent and capable as any human. They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, not as second-class citizens."

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