Off We Go

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~Hour Later~

Tuck was talking about that he kissed Emma. That was the topic for the past hour. I know Alex doesn't believe him. Munch... I don't know. "Your so full of yourself. When did you kiss her?" Alex asked. "Trust me. After pre-algebra she pulled me into the bathroom." He said. I already know he's lying. One thing for sure no girl would ever want to kiss Tuck. "Wait... Mannequin Girl?" Munch asked making us all laugh. "Dude she has a name." I said rolling my eyes. "Was she good at it?" He ask ignoring me. "Eh. B-. I've kissed better." He said. "Yeah sure." I said laughing. He shoot me a glare.

~minutes later~

It's now dark. We followed the map, for like hours. Were now in the middle of nowhere. "It might be, like, a CIA prison." Munch said breaking the silence. We were miles away from home. No one knew it but we were scared. "You know. We haven't seen a car in the past hour." I said. We were on our own. "This is the way right?" Tuck ask. Alex doesn't replied. "You have the map right?" Munch ask. "Can I see the map?" I ask. We stop so I can see. "Alright it says go left." Then we head left.

~minutes later~

We get to this really grassy open land. I feel the breeze as I keep peddling. "It's cold." I said. "No." Alex said almost in a 'duh' tone. I rolled my eyes. "Are we close?" I ask. Once we stop and now were walking. "I never understood why people liked the outdoors." Munch complains. I rolled my eyes again. "Munch, stop complaining." I said. "Were getting pretty far off the road." Munch said scared. "Were almost there." Alex said. Once we stop at a tower or something the phone stopped. I looked around then I saw a light. "Guys what's that?" I asked. "What's what?" Tuck ask. "That!" I shouted pointing at what I saw. Tuck and Alex walked up to the thing. I walked behind Alex. I saw a old rocket thing. Filled up with dirt. "Oh." I said. "What do you think it is." Tuck asked. I shrug my shoulders. "Why is it all burnet?" Tuck ask taking the dirt off. "A old rocket?" Munch said. I rolled my eyes. Then Alex picked it up. "Hey.. Be careful." Munch warn. Then Tuck walk up to Alex. "Hey Libby hold my camera." He said hanging it to me. Tuck grab the thing and shook it to his ear. Then he sign. "It's crap." He said throwing it to the ground. "What?" I asked confused. "Forget it. Turn off the camera." He said taking it away. I walked up to the thing. "Well it's not what we thought of but it could be something useful." Munch said keeping this conversation calm. "No it's just crap." Tuck said disappointed. "What happen to our last night together?" Alex asked mad. "Umm... In case you haven't notice were in the middle of nowhere." Tuck said. "Oh I get it all you care about is getting stupid hits on your stupid videos." Alex said. He's really piss off. "Why don't you go to-." Tuck was cut off by me. "Alright just stop." I said turning to him. He sign and turned around. Then we heard a phone ring. "Oh Crap. It's Alex's mom." Munch said panicking. "Oh man. It'll be fine just be Betty." Alex said. "I thought I could do this but I can't..." Munch said. I walked up to him. "She just likes to check up on things." Alex said and press answer. "Betty are you there?" Alex mom asked. "Go!" Alex whisper. "This is Betty." Munch said. "I was thinking... Maybe I could bring Pizza over." His mom suggested. "No, no no no. No coming over." Munch said quickly. I sign."Just hang up." Alex whispered. "it's no big deal. I have a coupon." His mom said. "I said no pizzas!" Munch yelled. "Don't yell at her!" I whisper yelled. "Maybe you and your husband should go to bed." Munch said. I hit my head in my hands. "Stop saying words." Alex said slapping the phone out of his hand. "Are you sure everything is okay?" Alex mom said. I groaned. Tuck told me to shush. "Have a good night go to sleep." He rushed then hanging up. He let out a long breath. "That was horrible." He said. I laugh. "Yea no kidding." I said picking up the thing. "'You and your husband should go to sleep... Was that really something to say?" Alex said. I picked up the thing and put it in Munch's backpack. Then the guys were looking at me. "Don't look at me like i'm a hoarder. That's rude." I said while closing his backpack. Then I heard distance voices. "Who are they?" Alex ask. "I don't know." Munch said. "Get down." Tuck whispered. And we all did. "Why would they go this far?" I ask. "Who cares.... The nigh is blown." Tuck said upset. Then we ran to our bikes and took off.

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