10. A ride with the waves

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Once the two are done with dinner, Lisa excused herself to visit the toilet for a bit. When she came back out, she found Sasaki patiently waiting still - even when she had told him before that she will be fine to find her own way back out. Now walking by his side towards the entrance where Guk is, she tries to come up with small talks to get rid of the silence.

"The food was delicious, o - oji-san," She tests the call that she kept hearing from Guk. For some reason, this man made her feel shy - probably because Guk considers him as his second father. "Thank you so much for your kind welcome."

"It is my pleasure, Young Madam -"

"Lily! Just Lily -" She laughs nervously. "You really don't have to call me that!"

Sasaki's smile is warm and genuine when he halts his tracks to face her. I wonder if his real father has the same kind smile too - 

"Lily...there was a time when I called Young Master by his name too, you both have that in common." Oh? She doesn't know why Sasaki said this to her but it makes her feel good somehow - to know that there's at least one thing that levels Guk and her together. 

"Young Master...he is hard to read but is easily pleased once you find the true soul underneath." Soul... 

"I um...I don't understand..." She shifts and fidgets. "I'm only getting to know him and um...I don't know much...like where his um...his soul -"

"You'll learn him sooner than I did, Young Madam. Do not worry or feel discouraged. I've known him since he was four years old. He is who he is but I can see that he is his own when it comes to you."

Feel discouraged...is it because he heard of our conversation about my work earlier? "I'm not...I mean, I don't feel that..." Oh, who am I kidding?? "He just scares me at times. He doesn't know me that well yet but he's always so sure...I wish I can be that sure too."

Sasaki's smile widens. "I believe you will, Lily-chan. I'll be rooting for you!" 

Lily...Lily-chan! I have a new name - oh yay!! "You...you think so?" She can't help her shy, trembling grin.

"Yes. Young Master is a very smart man. Some things can't be helped but...I believe in his choices. You should keep in mind that if he chose you, it's because he finds you an equal if not better."


Leaving his late mother's house is a bittersweet feeling that roams in Lisa's chest, longer than expected. In the car, she can't help but recalling Sasaki's last words to her, again and again. Some things can't be helped...what things? Is it bad things? But all I've seen are good - well, except for his stubborn bossiness!  

The road they took was dark - only flashed and revealed by the headlights of his car. Far beside Guk, glimpses of the moon's excess glittered over the ocean's shadows...but no matter how beautiful it seems, her gaze is only on him. His eyes are fixed on what's ahead. One hand is on the steering while the other is on hers. 

Very little light graces on his profile. Even so, she finds herself spell-bounded by his perfection. He already took off the bow-tie when he started driving earlier and with two of the top buttons undone, he looks as sexy as how she always found him in the private room, all those nights before.

He's so beautiful...how did I get this lucky? What did I do to make him say all those things? His promises...am I really equal? I don't think I am. I don't feel like I am. I don't know a lot of things like he does. 

How can I be equal or - or better when I feel like a clueless child most of the time? He's very smart and - and experienced and...he looks like he's good at everything. He makes more money than I probably ever could. He's good at cooking too while I still can't get the rice water at the right measurement every single time! He said all I need to do is love him. How can I do that when I can't even make the perfect rice?

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