The Cowboy Next Door

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Everything changed when my dad got transferred into a new job the summer we moved. We decided to move into a smaller town once Aspen, my older sister got married. When I say "we" decided, I really mean Mom, Dad, and my brother, Andy. Just because they hated Salt Lake City life didn't mean that I did too. They weren't the ones who would have to leave all of their best friends.

Great, that's another thing, I was going to have to leave all of my friends and be the new freaky girl at my new school. I didn't want to leave my friends I'd had since we first moved there the spring before I turned 7. We lived there for more than 8 years, and I didn't want to leave all my I'd known for most of my school days. Just what I've always wanted, to not have any friends. I'll probably make new ones, but they wouldn't be like my old friends, the ones I'd gone to elementary, middle school and part of high school with. They were MY friends. They were part of me. They were part if who I am. And I had to move and leave them all behind. And I felt all alone. I was going to be the weird kid again.

I'll probably got through the awkward phase of not knowing anyone and feeling like I don't belong in any groups, but I'm sure I'll find a place. Hopefully. Hopefully I'll find a place. Eventually I will. I need to find a place.

I think I'd be happier if we hadn't moved into the middle of nowhere. Anywhere else but here, Hicktown, U.S.A. Mom says that the cowboys will grow on me and that some cowboy my age will "sweep me off of my feet right onto their horse", but I can't really see that happening. A stinky guy riding a stinky animal wouldn't become part of my future. Especially not in a little hicktown like Bridges Point.

We drove up to the brand new house, the one that would be my new home for the next three years or more. The house wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but still, it was much better than our old house. Mom had already met the neighbors, and said that one family had a daughter my age and a son Andy's age. I could have sworn that she was going to push us together to be friends right from the beginning. And I was right.

I got out of the car and stretched after the more than 4 hour car ride. I could tell that Andy could care less, judging by him still being asleep in the car. He spent most of the car ride to the new house with his headphones in, and his head bobbing either while he was sleeping or listening to the music.

"Aria, wake your brother up please," my mother asked as she got out of the car.

I walked around the car and opened his door, got almost an inch from his ear, and spoke much louder than normal, knowing I could spook him. "Hey kid, wake up and see the new house." He jumped, waking from his nap, and hitting his head on the roof of the car,"Aah! Aria, I'm going to get you back, just you wait."

"Yeah, like that's going to happen!" I barely managed to say between laughs.

"Aria, Andy, can you guys go get some boxes and start moving them into the house?" Dad never had time to goof off, it seemed, everything had to be done before we could even have time to have a second of fun.

The house was nice, and big too. It made me wonder why my parents had bought a house as big as this one. Andy and I would both be moving out and going to college, and my parents would be empty nesters. It was probably bigger than necessary, but I'd rather have my own space than not enough.


Dad gave me and Andy a tour of the new house, telling us what room would be ours and mom and dads plans for the house. I wish I could have picked rooms instead of getting stuck in the corner of the house, but I guess the corner has its perks, it's quiet and secluded.

I began unpacking my boxes for a couple hours until I heard the doorbell.

"Is anyone going to get that?!" I yelled tying not to have to be the one to answer it.

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