Nicholas' Trick: Revealing Oliver's Past Mistake

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"If you enjoyed the power to fly and control the life forms of Earth," Oliver says as he paces back and forth like a professor "then you will enjoy more the remaining abilities you need to learn." It's still mid-afternoon and they have landed a few meters away from the peopled part of the seashore. Kimberly sat there frustrated. Her hair is tied into a pony tail and regrets for buying the jeans and long sleeves. If she should've known better, then she could have hunt for the appropriate beach wear. Kimberly just grunted in response.

"If you could do this," Oliver paused. Kim watched him carefully. The coconut tree nearby waved its branch and swayed like it does when blown by a strong wind. "Well," Oliver continues "you can't do this." The coconut tree stopped dancing. A second after, several of its leaves plucked their selves and flew to Oliver who's got a proud look on his face. "This is what we call, I'm sure though that you've heard of this, telekinesis." Oliver controlled the rock settled on the sand beside Kim and threw it in the sea. "Nature's blessing only allows you to control anything that has life but—- with telekinesis; you can make things of whatever it's made of go flying, dancing, or what so ever. You can have total control of it."

"Cool." Kim says "how do I do that?"

"So eager eh?" Oliver asks as he bumps his fist on his left palm. "It's just very simple Kim. You just have to memorize the figure's appearance, forget gravity and imagine exactly the way how you want it to move."

"Even how large and heavy?" Kim asked.


"Impossible!" Kim exclaimed.

"Everything you have to do Kim has to do with faith. You have to disregard whatever your brain think what is right, your brain that is referring to the laws of science and everything. YOU. JUST. HAVE. TO. FORGET. EVERY. SCIENTIFIC. LAW. AND. BELIEVE." Oliver dragged every word "Faith is the real and strongest power there is in this world. It is by faith that you may able to do things that seem impossible. Faith in God."

She closed her eyes. She inhaled and exhaled. Inhale—exhale—-in—- BOOOM! Kim immediately opened her eyes. There was fire all over the seashore. The establishments were burning as people ran for their lives, screaming.

"This is bad!" Oliver said. He took her hand. "He followed us. Let's go!"

"Who followed us?!" Kim asks "that demon Nicholas?!"

Before Oliver could respond, somebody else did.

"Yes." The demon replied from above the two creatures. Nicholas watch them look up to him. "Chasing after you guys was...tiring." Nicholas landed as he clasp his hand together for the fire to die.

Oliver drew his sword. "Go back to hell Nicholas. Or else...."

"Or else what?" Nicholas chortled "You must be forgetting that you are just a second class angel. But if only you passed the trial then maybe—-"

Oliver didn't let him finish as he lunged at him. He placed his double-edged sword at the demon's neck. He looked at him straight in the eye. "You don't have the right to talk about that!" Oliver raged.

"Why? Afraid for that girl to know what you did to—-"

"SHUT UP!" If Nicholas were a mere demon, he'd die already. But the demon evaporated to somewhere. Oliver froze. He fell for the demons trap. He got up and turned around. What he saw was horror.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You let your guard off. As usual, you really are selfish." Nicholas burst out laughing as he hold Kim unconscious in his arms. "You fell in my trap, Oliver. You had forgotten my last name."

Oliver clenched his fist. He knew he couldn't take him on. He wanted to punch his self for being so pathetic. For being so trapped in the past that his enemy used it as a weakness. What should I do? Oh God..


"You don't have to think for another escape. This is the end. I'll spare you Angel. Tell your father, and the Father, that it's all over."With that one last line, Nicholas dissolved into the thin air leaving ashes on the ground.

Oliver knelt on the ground, clenching the ashes. At that time, horrible possibilities of what Nicholas could do to Kim popped into his mind. Oh God, he prayed, forgive me.

The last thing Kimberly remembered were kind, mesmerizing, beautifully colored blue eyes luring her to sleep..... And a silky voice apologizing. "Who are you?"




To be continued :) I hope you guys LOVE it :)

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