A Trip To Remember?? Chapter 1

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a young girl can be seen at school, she looked to be about 16, her name is Violet. she was half asleep in biology class and we could assume that she didn't get much sleep last night to begin with, suddenly someone drops a book on violets desk that caused her to startle out of her dream, it jump scared her. Violet looked up to see her friend Harley.

"I was having a good dream.." violet says rolling her eyes, while turning through the pages in the book

"that's exactly why I wanted to wake you up" Harley says and goes to sit across from her, there friend Allie turns around

Allie says, "that's really mean.."

"thank you Allie! Harley doesn't like me very much..." violet says looking down, she was mainly just joking cause her and Harley were nearly best friends forever, Harley rolls her eyes

"whatever, are you two excited to go camping this weekend?" Harley says in excitement, the three of them, along with a few friends were gonna go camping together in the woods and they were all pretty excited about it.

"I guess.." Violet says looking down to her paper to continue drawing, a few seconds later the bell rang so everyone head to there next class.

we're zooming into a lunch room full of people, we zoom into a specific group of friends though and see a few familiar faces, violet, Allie, and Harley along with there other friends. Carl, which is violets boyfriend, had his arms around her and he was just dozing off while listening to whatever his friends were talking about.
a young boy named Alex was talking about how someone got brutally murdered the other day. for some reason, he was into true crime, Harley was always the "horror" friend but Alex on the other hand just got fascinated by actual murders for some reason.

Alex says, "I think the mom killed the dad cause she wasn't there during the incident."

"have you not watched enough movies? it was clearly demonic possession." says Harley, at this point Harley and Alex have been arguing for about ten minutes over this situation, everyone else just decided to NOT get involved in whatever they were talking abt.

"but this isn't a movie.. murder happens more often then demonic possession does, that's just basic math." Alex says.

"if the mom killed bro they'd have evidence.." Harley says rolling her eyes

"I agree, sorry.." kya says, hoping her saying something didn't just make the situation worse then it was already.. bros were fighting over demons and actual people..

"both of you guys are scary to know so much about this stuff to begin with" Nova says while leaning herself against her chair.

"I find it fascinating how he's into this stuff.." Tori shrugs "he's rly smart"

"i-" Alex went blank and speechless, that was the first time someone actually complemented his knowledge on that stuff, and it especially meant a lot coming from Tori cause he kinda always had a crush on her "thank you.."

"of course!" Tori smiles

"ew" Harley jokes, the bell then suddenly rang so everyone head there different ways to there next classes.

Alex pulls Tori back to talk to her, "i- so uh.. you know how we're going camping,right?"

"yeah?" Tora says while looking over at him

Alex says, "maybe you'd wanna go in my car? cause like- Harleys car would be packed and I'm pretty sure everyone is going with someone so I thought maybe we could go together cause I don't wanna be lonely on my way there,"

Tori nods, "yeah, sure!" she smiles "I better head to class now cause I really don't wanna be late on a Friday.." Tori then runs off, Alex whispered "finally!' but as soon as he turned around he saw Harley standing right there, watching him.

"f*ck Harley you scared the sh*t out of me" Alex says and pushes her out of his way.

"good." Harley says proudly "that was the entire point.."

Alex just rolls his eyes and walks away from her, now we're in a classroom with a small group of people, we can see some familiar faces which was Nova, Bennie, Zion, Allie, Bloom, and Mac.
bloom and mac were probably that one cringy couple at school.. bloom rest her head on his shoulder,

"baby can I have a big Mac?" she says smirking, we can assume what she meant by that..

"i- I'm broke.. sorry." Mac says

"dumb@$$ I didn't mean actually" bloom says, Nova, who was annoyed threw her pencil at bloom purposely.

"oops-" Nova says laughing

bloom turns around, "f*ck you!" and was ready to punch her in the face but Bennie separated the two,

"guys! the teacher is just in the other room.. this can wait till after school-" Bennie says looking over at them

"yeah and you wouldn't wanna end up in detention.." Allie sighs "detention is boring.."

"I could have took her out anyways," Nova says while backing away from her

Bennie goes closer to Nova, "yeah.. that's why.. I didn't want you to break her back-"

"ayo??" Zion yells from a distance.. bros dirty minded.

Nova says, "I'd rather not,"

"why y'all gotta be so dirty minded.." Bennie says "I didn't even mean it that way.."

Nova turns around to keep drawing on her paper, unfortunately for her though, bloom and Mac were literally behind her making kissing sounds, she was annoyed and turned around,

"shut the f*ck up before I knock all of those teeth out of your motherf*cking mouth, please and thank you." Nova says then turns back around

Zion says, "d@mn.. that was kinda hot"

"i-" Nova didn't even know what to say to that or how to even react, poor Bennie and Allie keep having to deal with everyone being weird, the rest of class was basically just everyone chilling until the bell rang again.

this is bad :( I was just focused on properly introducing everyone, it'll get more interesting once the actual action happens yk... I still missed a few and idk how I feel abt this chapter sry

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