Never Forget You, chapter 7

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we're still with Victor, violet, and Harley. we could tell it seems like they've been walking for quite awhile, suddenly something fell from the tree and hit violet in the head, it was a tree branch. knocking her out.

"sh*t" Harley says trying to shake her to wake her up, it was then that Victor noticed an abandoned cabin, there appeared to be a bucket of water inside. they could use that to wake violet up.

Victor says, "I'll be right back."

"you aren't leaving me alone.. violet is literally lying here unconscious, it's really not a good idea to split up." Harley says looking over at him

"yeah, I see a bucket of water near that cabin and it isn't that far," Victor says reassuring her, Harley wasn't really sure how she felt abt this but she just nodded.

as soon as Victor ran into the cabin, it locked shut, you can hear him yelling from inside the cabin for Harley to unlock it.

Harley wasn't sure about leaving violet but she set her down near a tree and ran near the cabin to hopefully unlock it, but it wouldn't open.

"help!" was all Victor kept repeating.

"it won't f*cking open!!" Harley yells, she keeps trying to pound on the door to budge it open but eventually, victors screams for help stop and the door unlocks itself. Harley was terrified, but she kicked the door open only to see that Victor was lying on the ground of the cabin, his throat seemed to be slit, and he was lying there, covered in blood.

"oh no.." Harley says "but I'll need to borrow this bucket of water," she grabs the water and runs outside to violet, she pours the water on top of her and violet wakes up coughing, Harley pulls her close for a hug "I thought I lost you... and.. Victor is dead.." she says with her voice getting saddened, Victor was a really good friend to her.

"i-" was all violet could think to say, she was just speechless about everything.

Harley sighs and stands up, she couldn't help but feel like all her friends are dying because of her, if she never read the book they could actually be alive.

now we're back with Nova and Bennie, they were still walking around the abandoned hospital, looking for clues, there had to of been something in there that hints on how to stop this thing, but they couldn't really find much. most of the stuff written on the walls in the hospital were in Japanese, while the two were walking, they heard something coming from the basement of the hospital, it sounded like screeching noises or scratches, Nova stops walking and pushes Bennie behind her.

Nova says, "you stay here, I'm gonna go down the basement.."

"if your gonna be dumb, I might as well be dumb too because I'm coming with you." Bennie says and smiles at her, it's a 50/50.. Bennie wants to protect Nova but she also wants to be with her cause she feels protected.

"fine, just stay behind me" Nova says rolling her eyes, she didn't really want something to happen to Bennie cause of her, she wouldn't ever forgive herself if Bennie died, the two head down the basement of the hospital, Bennie was behind Nova cause after Bennie almost died, Nova has been feeling rly protective over Bennies life cause she doesn't wanna lose her. the two head down together, and see more writings on the wall, but a specific one caught Bennies attention. as she was looking at all of them she noticed one that read, "make a sacrifice."

"we've been looking at this the wrong way," Bennie says while looking over at Nova, Nova looked at her with a confused expression so Bennie says, "the demon goes away if one of us willingly sacrifices there life..."

now we're with Tori and Alex, both come across the same exact hospital that Bennie and Nova are in currently, they heard voices coming from the hospital and it sounded like Bennie and Nova.

Tori says, "I think there inside, the wood near the front of the door is cracked open,"

"do you have a light?" Alex says

"No.." Tori sighs "but we have to save them if there inside,"

"I agree.." Alex looks down "let's just take a weapon, for safety reasons.." he grabs a piece of the board and rips it in two and gives one to Tori.

"Thank you," Tori says, and the two head inside of the hospital together.

now we're back with Harley and Violet, they were walking through the woods, Harley couldn't stop overthinking and Violet knew something was up with her, Harley was shortly behind Violet so Violet went to go check up on her.

Violet says, "are you okay?"

"yeah.." Harley says looking down "I'm just remembering what chase said,"

Violet says, "excuse my language but..- who cares what that ugly @$$ b*tch, nobody ever liked him here so I'm shocked he came with us cause b*tches mother left him so he decided to take his anger out on us." Harley laughs "yeah I guess.."

"point being, don't listen to whatever he said because you know you didn't mean to get anyone killed," Violet says, Harley smiles and they keep walking. suddenly Harley started getting lifted up into the air,

"the f*ck.." Harley says, violet tried jumping up to grab her and pull her down but she was to high into the air, suddenly from a distance, Harley noticed someone standing behind violet, holding an axe.

"violet! behind you!" Harley says trying to yell, but Harley was stuck into the air and was to high up for violet to hear. violet was confused but turned around to see the dude holding an axe, violet tried dodging him, he swung and missed hitting her with the axe. suddenly Harley fell from the distant she was at and was unconscious. the man that was there holding the axe vanished, violet ran out from behind a tree to check on Harley, she was trying to shake her to wake her up but Harley wasn't moving.

"Harley!" Violet says, she was really worried, then suddenly Harley woke up coughing.

"oh my god! I thought I lost you" violet pulls her in for a hug, but they didn't get so lucky. the man with the axe returned.

"behind you!" Harley yells, but it was to late. the second violet turned around, her head was detached from her body. the man swung the axe knocking her head off then vanished in thin air, Harley broke down in tears as she saw her best friends lifeless body there, she lost so much this day and didn't even wanna continue living anymore.

I was debating killing violet.. I finally cared for her character this chapter but she was never listed as a survivor to begin with

also, not Victor being the best boy character I've ever made..

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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