Welcome To Death, Chapter 5

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we're now back with Bennie and Nova, we could tell they've been walking for quite awhile and have gotten pretty far, it was pretty dark outside and covered with trees everywhere, we suddenly see a hospital that looked to be about a hundred of years old, they both slowly stop walking near the hospital.

"what's a hospital doing in the middle of the woods.." Bennie says looking over at Nova, neither of them were sure why it would even be there.

"only one way to find out," Nova says and goes closer to the hospital, the door was covered in wood so she was struggling to break it open.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Bennie says trying to pull her away from the door, Nova however didn't listen though, I guess she was getting curious about it, she pulled out a flashlight and hit it on the wood, causing the wood to crack and to slowly break apart. "if I know chase, if he found the hospital he'd be inside. chase has always loved investigating things, you can stay outside though, it is pretty dark and scary in here.." she says looking over at the abandoned hospital, it was pitch back and she was very doubtful that the lights still even work thank god they have brought a flashlight with them tho, the hospital seemed to have been here forever, after ten seconds of Bennie being silent, Nova just decided to go in without her but Bennie pulled her back.
"no, I'm going too.. if you think I'm staying out here by myself to get killed you should probably think about that again," Bennie says laughing, the two head inside of the hospital together and found plenty of stuff, Nova was slightly ahead of Bennie, and Bennie thought she saw a shadow pass the other direction, she assumed it could have been chase.
"I think I see chase-" Bennie says pointing in a direction, Nova didn't trust it though.. I mean Harley just unleashed a demon by accident and not even just a demon, a shape shifting one although these two don't know that yet, but point is that you probably shouldn't trust anything or anyone you see.

"I don't think it's him but.." Nova stops, she noticed a drawing- or writing on a wall, it seemed to of been a drawing/writing of a curse, and saying how deadly it was.

suddenly the two get jump scared, they hear chase yelling from a distance so Bennie, without hesitating follows the screams they heard to see chase standing there.

"oh my god your alive" Bennie says running towards him, Nova was still reading the writings on the wall when she realized that, that isn't chase.

"Bennie!" Nova yells and runs torwards her but it was almost to late. once Bennie went close enough to chase, he pulled out a gun and shot her in the leg, Bennie falls over to the ground with her hand holding her leg that was still bleeding pretty badly, and it hurt her to stand.

"f*ck" Nova yells, she tackles chase to the ground and pulls the gun from his arms, then he suddenly disappeared into dust right before she was about to shoot him, but that definitely wasn't him. Nova remembered that Bennie got shot, she ran over to her, Bennie was lying down, bleeding.

"i-" she was lost of words, she was in so much pain "i- it's fine, just keep going." Bennie says, but Nova refused to leave her, Nova really was filled with regret for entering the hospital to begin with, and for letting Bennie follow her inside.

"I'm not leaving you." Nova says, she lifts Bennie up and puts her on a nearby hospital bed, then it struck her that there in a hospital.

"I'll be right back," Nova says, she runs out of the room. Bennie was confused and in plenty of pain but just let her head lay down cause it was pounding pretty badly.

Nova runs to grab a first aid kit, and then runs back in the hospital room with Bennie, she pulls out gloves and got ready to pull the bullet out of Bennies leg.

Bennie says, "do you even know how to do that.."

"my parents are doctors.. I have some experience so just- hold still" Nova says and pulls the bullet out of her leg, Bennie screams in pain but was glad it was out and that she'd be okay

we're now zooming back to the campsite. we catch a small glimpse of Bloom making out with Mac,

"so are you ready to give me the big Mac now?" bloom says flirtly

"i-" Mac got uncomfortable, "I like my virginity.. sorry.."

"f*ck you!! your so boring!!" bloom says getting off of him and goes to head outside, Mac pulls her arms, trying to pull her back bc he knows it's not safe out there and that she could get killed.

"get the f*ck off of me!" bloom yells in anger and pushes him away, mac sighs and as soon as he turned around a shadow figure was standing right there, before he could even yell to get help, the figure hit him in the head with a hammer, knocking him out. he proceeded to hit him until it got to the point that his face was all messed up and he was dead. bloom didn't even notice her boyfriend was getting murdered behind her, she turned around slowly "why the f*ck are you so quiet-" but she saw him lying there, dead. she screamed in terror as she saw his dead body and turned around ready to run but a brick fell ontop of her head, crushing it. I guess both are twinning being dead now, I'm proud to say I didn't really like either of them, Mac wasn't that bad but bloom was honestly just annoying.

Im praying I scared people with Bennie getting shot.. tbh I think Bennie and Nova are my favorites.. and I was considering if I should kill her or not this chapter but I couldn't really bring myself to do that.. maybe in a future chapter I will :)

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