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I woke up with a killer headache since I spent the whole night in a nightclub drinking my sorrows. I don't even remember what happened last night. I groaned loudly and turned to the side to stretch just to feel something squishy and warm on my hand. I shot up from the bed startled.

"What the fuck" I mumbled staring at the woman laying on the bed, I looked down at my naked self and groaned in frustration. I don't even remember what happened, how did this woman get here and what did we do last night but from what I'm seeing, we had sex.

I grabbed my boxers and sport's bra and quickly put them on. I shook the woman sleeping on the bed, it's not even my room, Toni is going to kill me if she finds out.

"Hey, you have to leave" I shook her again, she slowly opened her eyes and stared at me for a moment trying to gather her thoughts.

"Look, I'm sorry but you have to get up right now" she sighed and kicked the covers off, I went to grab a towel and set it on the bed then turned to look at the girl who was putting on clothes she found on the chair. I don't know if those were hers or Toni's.

"Lemme show you out first" I fast walked downstairs and she followed along until we reached the entrance.

"Alright, goodbye" I said opening the door,

"Oh Hello?" I quickly shut my eyes feeling my heart sink slowly and inhaled sharply at the sound of Toni's voice, I turned to look at her with a sheepish smile. She had sunglasses on so I couldn't see her eyes but I knew she was glaring at me and the woman standing right next to me with a confused look.

"Is that my shirt?!"

"Toni! Hi!" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside the house and waved goodbye to the woman before shutting the door. Toni pushed her glasses on top of her head and crossed her arms, her beautiful eyes were shooting daggers at me.

"You fuck a girl and give her my shirt as a gift Logan? What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I didn't do such thing, she picked it up and I thought it belonged to her" I was trying to get close to her but she took a step backwards and away from me.

"What was my shirt doing in your room in the first place?"

"Eh yeah...about that, I was drunk and I didn't know where I was going and w-" her eyes widened in disbelief.

"You slept with her on my fucking bed?!" She started making her way upstairs, stomping on each stair with how angry she was while I followed after her trying to reason with her that I didn't do it on purpose.

She walked in the room and looked at everything with disgust all over her face, before I knew it she turned and fuckin slapped me across the face.

"You...let her, wear my lingerie, and my perfume?" I looked at the dresser where she had some of her makeup and perfumes, one of them was open and obviously looked like it's been used, as for the red lingerie she was talking about they were on the floor right next to the dresser.

"Why would you fuckin do that Logan?!" She yelled at me, my hand was still on my cheek where she slapped me holding it in surprise. I didn't remember shit from yesterday, I had no clue when the girl put Toni's stuff on or if I asked her to put them on.

"You're so wrong for that, so fucking wrong" she mumbled before pushing past me bumping her shoulder roughly against mine, before she could reach the door I grabbed her wrist and turned her to look at me.

"I really don't know what happened last night, I swear to you on everything I love..."

"...I'm sorry really, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I didn't even know how your clothes got on her body"

"What a way to put it, the stuff floated and landed on her so perfectly..." She scoffed sarcastically and pulled her hand away, I felt so bad, so hurt at the same time but I can't do shit because this was all my fault.

"Well for your information, that fuckin top needs two people to put it on Logan, don't lie to me. You helped her put it on" I bit the inside of my cheek not knowing what to tell her because no matter what I say she won't believe me, I brushed my hair back out of my face and sighed.

"Next time you wanna fuck a slut do it in your own house" I heard her say while I just stared at the ground, and when I didn't say anything or react she continued.

"I'll be back in an hour and this room better be fucking clean" I had to do something, I had to say something to make her at least listen to me, at least believe me, believe that this was all a huge accident that wasn't meant to happen.

"I love you"

My words made her halte suddenly, she still had her back to me. So I decided to keep going.

"I promise I don't remember what happened but taking what you said about that top, I'm assuming I did help her put it on..."

"Perhaps I wanted it to smell your perfume, perhaps I was thinking about you. Perhaps I wanted you to be here instead and not her..." By now my eyes were already watering, how pathetic and simple human with no control over her emotions.

"I'm not saying this just like that, to make you forgive me, or make you stay, because I know you won't." I chuckled dryly at the bitter truth, I know for fact she'll never stay, and I'll never have her.

"God, every fuckin night I wish someone would love me the way I love you Toni, but all I can do is wish huh" I sniffled and softly,

"I want to tell you how much I grief knowing that you belong to someone else, but not even once did my loss matter, I knew you were happy and that's all that I cared about and I accepted that my heart won't be enough for you" Not once did she look at me or at least turn, I wanted to see her eyes and how they shine when I talk to her, I wanted her cold stare to be on me while I told her what I've been hiding but she didn't bother to react.

"And even though I said a lot, but I couldn't accurately describe how I really feel." I waited for a few seconds for her to do something, nothing, just dead silence.

"I promise the room will be clean as new when you come back" I made my way to the bathroom and slammed the door shut, I sat down on the ground and leaned on the door with my head between my legs. What am I supposed to do now?

I've ruined everything with Toni, she'll never look at me the same again and she'll not forgive me. Even though I didn't mean for this to happen but it did and I think it was a sign to find a solution to my misery.

I don't know how long I've stayed in the bathroom but soon enough, I showered quickly before cleaning the room up making sure everything was in place then called Olivia. I put some important clothes that I'm gonna need and just the essentials while waiting for her to pick up.

"Hey Liv, do you still have the keys to nana's old apartment?"

"Yeah? Why?" She asked curiously, I could hear her chewing on something as she spoke with her mouth full.

"I just need them, I'll be in front of of the mansion in a few minutes bring them to me quick." I quickly hangup on her and made my way downstairs, I put the house keys and her car keys on the table before grabbing my own and leaving the place without looking back. A heavy heart and one thought in my mind...

This is for the best.



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