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After I changed into warmer clothes, which consisted of Toni's hoodie and sweatpants that were a big large on me, I went back to the hospital.

Still a few hours away from the end of the operation, I did everything but sit on a chair and wait like a normal person. I paced around, I crouched, I sat on the ground, at some point I even laid on the floor to try and keep my mind off of things. The longer I thought about the aftermath the slower the time went by.

And what bothered me even more is that I called Toni's dad, as soon as I walked inside this hospital and it's been over six hours and he's not here yet. Her mom is in a different country but she said she'll be here as fast as she could.

"Miss Sanchez?" The nurse called, I jumped off the floor like it was on fire and ran to her, she had a hesitant look or a serious one I could distinguish which one it was because of the lack of sleep.

"Yes? That's me, what happened?" I asked fast trying to get answers from her as fast as I could. I rubbed my palms together trying to get the sweat off at the same time it was a nervous habit of mine.

"The patient had a successful transplant but due to some complications she was sent into a coma, but she's going to be fine." She said with the most non empathic monotonous voice I've ever heard.

" sister?" I was too afraid to ask the question, if Logan gave Toni her heart and Toni had a successful surgery it means Logan is dead. My sister would be dead.

"Is my daughter okay!" A manly voice ran through the door cutting the nurse off before she could finish her sentence and reassure me about Logan even though I had no hope she's alive.

"Mr Storm, you're daughter is fine. She just got out of the operation room and she's gonna be in a short term coma until she's better" the nurse re-explained to Toni's dad, he demanded to see his daughter and he was guided to the room while I followed after him with my head down and tear filled eyes.

Mr. Storm walked in the room 253 to see Toni and I waited outside for the nurse to leave so I can ask her one more time. A few minutes later she did, I pushed myself off of the wall and walked in front of her to catch her attention.

"M-miss please...m-my sister?" I begged the nurse once again hoping she'd have an ounce of pity and empathy towards me, all I wanted was an answer. All I wanted was a final answer, to grief...

"Ms Sanchez, your sister is in room 252 and you may go see her. She didn't donate her heart, one of the car accident patients had the same blood type as Ms Storm..."

"...unfortunately he died and couldn't be saved. So Dr Leon proceeded with the operation on Ms Storm using his heart instead"

She was alive...

Logan was alive...

I felt like weight was lifted off my shoulders when I heard she was okay, my eyes filled up with tears again, tears of relief.

The amount of tears I shed today could solve thirst problems around the world.

My heart slammed against my ribcage as I slowly made my way towards Logan's hospital room. I grabbed the cold handle and pushed the door open, I took a deep breath before taking a step inside.

Logan was laying there on the bed sleeping, her heart monitor was on a stable rhythm and it felt so nice to hear it. It felt good to hear that she was alive. I stood next to her bed and I let my hand slid into hers.

"You're a fuckin idiot" I chuckled softly but my eyes failed me and let the tears fall. I sat on the bed with her hand still in mine, while my other hand brushed her short brown here out of her face.

"You're an idiot for thinking you could leave me again" I started,

"I know you were drunk that day Logan..." I played with her fingers as I tried to get my words out.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt him...I know it was an accident..."

"I've forgiven you...a long time ago" I sighed remembering that once again.


It's been a few days since Logan went missing, and by few days I mean since the day he died.

I was sitting in the living room gripping the life out of my pillow, my parents made me sit in front of them and forbid me from going back to my room, afraid I'll hurt myself.

The door swung open harshly and Logan ran inside the house with her eyes so red. She looked like she's been crying, my mom walked out the kitchen to check what's going on, when she saw my sister she quickly went to her and hugged her tight.

"Hija mía, ¿dónde has estado?" My mom asked her in a worried voice, she kissed her head but Logan was just crying hysterically. (My child, where have you been?)

"Lo maté, mamá. Lo maté" Logan dropped on her knees still holding on to my mom, I stood up feeling the color leave my face and made my way towards Logan. (I killed him, mom. I killed him)

"¿Matado a quién?" I asked with a dry mouth, my words barely left my lips as realization hit me like brick. Logan was still rocking herself back in forth while I stood there in front of her with tears streaming down my face. (Killed who?)

"¿Matado a quién, Logan?!" I yelled making both of them jump, when she didn't reply I had my confirmation that my older sister was the person who killed my boyfriend.

Later that day, the police showed up to our house they explained that Logan wasn't the one driving but she was in the back seat drunk and her friend was also hammered and still decided to drive the car.

Since she was already in the military she was sentenced to 2 years in military jail and even after she was released she kept working and repenting until she became a sergeant. Her files were cleaned but she never stop blaming herself so she never came back to see us, to see me.

*End of Flashback*

"You left me, Logan. I was a kid and I needed my sister to protect me and be there for me..."

"I needed you to be there for my birthdays, for my graduation. I waited for you but you never showed up..." I wiped my tears and smiled at her sleeping figure she probably can't even hear me.

"But I still loved you, I told everyone that I had an older sister who's stronger and braver than anyone they've ever met..."

"I told my bullies that someday my sister was going to come back and beat their asses" I chuckled at my own words.

"So you trying to leave me again, was honestly a bitch move not gonna lie" I kissed her knuckles softly and stood up so I can go check on Toni. This was going to be a long night but I wasn't tired at all. I was just glad they were both okay.

I apologize to my Spanish speakers I used Reverso to translate so if there are any mistakes I apologize.

Anyways, what do you think 🤔



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